Thursday, May 27, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - May 27, 2010

Support the FSAS Act and restore freedom of health speech
(NaturalNews) The Alliance for Natural Health, a nonprofit organization committed to protecting access to natural and integrative medicine, has recently come up with a Congressional bill designed to stop government censorship of truthful, scientific health...

Warning: Common acid-suppressing PPI drugs are over-used and have serious health risks
(NaturalNews) Have heartburn occasionally? Suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms? Mention your indigestion to a pharmacist and the odds are you'll be directed to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs that are now sold over the counter...

Green tea blocks lung cancer
(NaturalNews) Drinking at least a cup of green tea a day may significantly decrease a person's risk of lung cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from Shan Medical University in Taiwan. Cancer rates are significantly lower in Asia than...

Common herbicide used on U.S. crops castrates male frogs
(NaturalNews) The dangers associated with pesticide and herbicide use have been receiving increased attention in the media these days. Everything from their contamination of local water supplies to their residue on food has been making headlines. But...

Pediatrician molested more than 100 children while state medical board did nothing
(NaturalNews) A Delaware pediatrician recently arrested and charged with molesting more than 100 children was the subject of complaints and investigations almost 10 years ago, but the state medical board never took action against him. "The system failed...

Reishi Mushrooms Offer Help for Those with Rheumatoid Arthritis
One of the key measures of a long and well lived life is adaptability. A person`s ability to adapt to changing circumstances goes a long way toward predicting longevity. This involves the responsiveness and functionality of the immune system...

Five Ways You Can Gain Health and Vitality for Free (or Nearly Free)
They say the best things in life are free, and when it comes to your health it couldn't be more true. Sure, anyone can spend a fortune on superfoods, detox treatments and natural cleaning products. And while all of these can be beneficial...

Be Your Own Doctor, Part II (Opinion)
To be our own doctor, we must see that our undesirable eating habits as well as our generally poor health habits due to ignorance, confusion and conditioning deprive our bodies of their strength and vitality. This tends to provoke a mental...

X-Balance superfood makes a delicious, nutritious chocolate milk drink for adults and kids
(NaturalNews) Remember the taste of chocolate milk? That wonderfully sugary, chocolaty fatty taste is one you'll probably never forget. And I bet you wouldn't think you could recreate that taste with something that's actually good for you... but now you...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
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