Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joyce Riley's Power Hour News - Thursday June 23, 2011


Latest on flooding: June 23
FEMA questioned: U.S. senators from Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota questioned Federal Emergency Management Agency boss Craig Fugate on Wednesday about the federal disaster reimbursement process for costs of the Missouri River flood.

Thousands evacuate as river seeps into Minot ND
Nearly 12,000 expect their homes to be swamped, water levels to break 130-year-old record by up to 5 feet

West Fremont County to evacuate
Officials fear a federal levee on the Missiour River could be overtopped. The troublesome spot is located north of Hamburg, Iowa, by the Nebraska City bridge, said Mike Crecelius, the county's emergency management director.

Sirens Blare as Flooding Hits North Dakota
Although the Fort Calhoun plant is surrounded by an eight foot tall and 16 foot wide protective berm, two feet of water have already made its way to several areas of the Fort Calhoun plant, but authorities say there is no immediate danger at either plant...

Scientists Warn Newly Discovered Fault Could Burst Dam, Destroy Reno And Kill Hundreds of Thousands
Scientist from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers using laser imaging technology have discovered a new fault line just 200 yards away from the Martis Creek Dam in California.

Just another brick in the wall : UN Agenda 21 in US law
Let me lay this out for you in a simple way, so that maybe you can get the gist of what is really going on and how through incremental legislation EVERYTHING is being taken away from us. (
*Cave Editor's note: seize all water rights, coastal and in-land, etc.)

Underwater Body Bags (DHS) New Madrid Fault area - Note the date of the request: OCTOBER 27, 2010
Remember they had ordered lots of underwater body bags?

Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid
As I've repeatedly noted, FBI agents and CIA intelligence officials, constitutional law expert professor Jonathan Turley, Time Magazine, and the Washington Post have all said that U.S. government officials "were trying to create an atmosphere of fear in which the American people would give them more power".


Fort Calhoun plant may store spent fuel rods permanently
Washington County, Nebraska - October 5, 2009 - "When the Fort Calhoun station was designed, the pool used to store spent fuel was never intended to be a permanent storage site. The same is true for the dry cask storage facility we use. It was not designed with the intent to be a permanent solution," Jones said.

GAO: leaks at aging nuke sites difficult to detect
U.S. nuclear power plant operators haven't figured out how to quickly detect leaks of radioactive water from aging pipes that snake underneath the sites - and the leaks, often undetected for years, are not going to stop, according to a new report by congressional investigators.

Virginia nuclear reactor shuts down — Problem detected in cooling duct
A Virginia Dominion Power spokesman said Tuesday the utility has aborted efforts to restart the unit, which has been out of service since an April 16 tornado knocked out electricity.

Radiation bombards reactors, make them brittle
In certain emergencies, these vessels would flood with cooling water. If the vessel walls are too brittle, they could shatter and spew their radioactive contents into the environment.

Fukushima Nuclear Fuel Leaking Into Groundwater, Tepco Says Barrier Too Expensive, Will Hurt Stock Price
TEPCO so far is refusing to do so because the cost of the project will be over 100 billion yen. TEPCO is debating whether containing the radiation is worth more than its stock price.

Whereabouts of 30 nuclear power plant subcontractors unknown
"We don't know why there is no record of the workers. The records and dosimeters were managed by TEPCO and its administration can only be described as sloppy," a representative of the ministry's Labor Standards Bureau said.

IAEA criticizes Japan's nuclear data sharing
A Japanese official quoted an expert from the World Meteorological Organization as saying the group was unable to obtain necessary information from Japan. He said this led to difficulties in projecting how radioactive materials would spread around the world...


The following are links to Joyce's Riley's 3 hour daily radio show archive and to her daily show subjects - she is on Genesis Communication Network GCN 7-10 am daily. The first hour she covers the latest incoming news. This Cave Editor suggests listening. Joyce does a dynamite job of covering this Missouri River flooding and the impact upon those downstreams as Missouri River long-term flooding moves past Kansas City, St. Louis, etc. It is said it takes 10 days for water to move from Ft. Peck dam in Montana to St. Louis.



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