Saturday, August 20, 2011



Not Really, the British occupied Afghanistan 3 seperate times but they couldnt keep a hold on it. Colonization is not occupation, Colonization is a whole different ball game. Colonization occurs when the people submit to the will of the occupiers. There is no British symbol left in Afghanistan. They did not build any railroad systems like they did in India and Pakistan, Afghanistan does not have a British form of government like they have in India and Pakistan. They do not have English as the national Language like Pakistan and India. When the British left Afghanistan on 3 separate times, they were forced out with no negotiation.

The Afghans are known to be fiercely against occupation and at the same time to be the most hospitable people int he world. It is rooted in their culture. Historians have only stated that the only people that conquered Afghanistan were the Macedonians. Alexander the Greats symbols are still visible after 2000 years later. Kandahar is named after him. Can you name a city that was named after a British officer or any other symbol that is visible in the country.