Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dutchsinse | 2/14/2012 -- 6.0 magnitude earthquake -- Coast of Oregon -- *ALERT* Coast and craton edge

At this point -- I would say some kind of alert needs to be issued. West coast NEEDS to prepare -- JUST IN CASE.
Also at this point.. another JUST IN CASE --- watch north america along the craton edge -- West Coast to new madrid seismic zone eastward to the east coast .. Washington State, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia... north along the east coast through new england into southern ontario/quebec Canada.
Here is the full website post : plus all the other events over the past 48 hours: We are in the middle of a GLOBAL EARTHQUAKE SWARM of large proportions! Be aware, have your plans ready JUST IN CASE.