Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dutchsinse | 2/16/2012 -- Possible Tornadoes develop inside earlier 'HAARP ring' = Tennessee severe now

Earlier HAARP ring epicenter was Nashville.. seen in the video I made 13 hours ago warning the area of possible tornadoes --- (at 3min 30 seconds in the video linked below you can see one of the H.A.A.R.P ring epicenters is Nashville.. also one in north Alabama/Georgia.
Blog post with screenshots and links you will need to monitor this severe weather:
Seen on intellicast / TITAN storm tracking -- possible tornadoes developed north of Nashville, TN --- heading northeast towards Kentucky (currently at the state line of TN, and KY).
Here is my forecast from earlier -- seeing a giant "HAARP ring" / FLASH RADAR high frequency spike seen on RADAR... calling for the area to get possible Tornadoes within 24 - 48 hours....
here is the text from below the earlier video :
"watch the areas mentioned in the video for 24-48 hours -- North Alabama, central and South Tennessee, West Georgia, and west portion of South Carolina. Also watch Kentucky.
These areas may receive possible damaging winds, tornadoes, hail, and strong cell thunderstorms. Make preparations now , just in case severe weather strikes your particular town"
Curious about what I call a "HAARP ring".. want to read more about it?