Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dutchsinse | 4/3/2012 -- HAARP ring Scalar Square Sawtooth outbreak = watch TX, LA, OK, KS, MO

Be aware of a severe weather threat over the next 48 hours (possibly 72)... watch the video and the towns named are the areas we need to focus on AFTER this current storm is out of the picture.
It may be 48 hours from the point AFTER this storm leaves the area.
Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas --- scalar squares, HAARP rings, and sawtooth sweeps.
If you wish to learn more about the use of frequency to manipulate the weather.. below are two good beginning links:
First link.. the most recent proof showing the 'professionals' using the terminology of "circle sweeps" .. "square waves" .. and "sawtooth sweeps" ----- the terms I've coined this past year WERE 'HAARP rings' , "Scalar Squares", and "Stairstep patterns"..... both refer to the same process...... spikes of frequency are emitted from ground based facilities (like H.A.A.R.P. in Alaska for instance) to HEAT the upper atmosphere (and beyond) via High frequency VHF .. also using VLF (very low frequency) to produce the same outcome via a process called "Efficiency Scaling"... when VLF changes into VHF in the upper ionosphere.
This is not just limited to Alaska, but using it as a good example.. hundreds of ground based stations exist WORLD WIDE... other countries have their own arrays.. Russia, China, EU -- just to name a few. We are not the only country taking part in this fiasco / tragedy
Video showing the terminology discovery a week ago: