Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dutchsinse | 4/7/2012 -- HAARP ring / CircleSweep frequency buildup -- TX, LA, OK, AR, MO, KS, NE, ND

Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota -- these areas shown in the video forecast -- watch for the next 48 hours approx. 1230am CDT 4/7/2012 ... possibly up to 72 hours.. but most likely the next 2 days or less.
Expect at the HAARP ring / Circle sweep epicenters .. damaging winds, hail, and possible tornadoes.
Wondering what a 'Circle Sweep' / 'HAARP ring' is? Wondering how the weather can be manipulated using frequencies? Here is a great place to start: