Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dutchsinse | 7/14/2012 -- Large Solar Storm impacting soon = Starting at 5-7am EDT

Sunrise on the east coast -- wonder if the sun might feel a bit more intense today.. 
impacting this AM (july 14, 2012)
Updated by NASA from Goddard Space Weather Center. :
"Impact with Earth is expected on 7/14 at 10:20 UT (+-7 hrs), 6:20 am EDT."
Read more:
More from NASA:
"The arrival of the solar storm will be approximately 5am EDT Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to minor storm levels with a slight chance for isolated periods at major storm levels on day one (14 July), due the arrival of the 12 July CME. Unsettled to active levels with a chance for minor storm periods are expected on day two (15 July), as effects of the CME continue. A return to predominantly quiet levels is expected on day three (16 July). "