Monday, July 9, 2012 | M-Class Flare Erupted from Sunspot 1520 - Monday JULY 9, 2012

Sunspot 1520 just produced an impulsive M1.1 Solar Flare at 23:07 UTC.

The cluster of sunspots located in the southeast quadrant are divided into three regions. Sunspot 1520 remains the dominant player and continues to grow in magnetic complexity. 

ANOTHER BIG SUNSPOT: As one big sunspot (AR1515) turns away from Earth, another one is turning toward our planet. AR1520, now emerging over the sun's southeastern limb, stretches more than 127,000 km (10 Earth diameters) from end to end:

AR1520 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares.