Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dutchsinse | 9/8/2012 -- Mystery Hum in Seattle, WA -- Blamed on mating Fish?! Surely, you jest?!

Original MSM report on the mysterious sounds in Seattle, Washington:
EPIC FAIL by the MSM !! Such a tragedy people actually end up believing these so-called "professionals" operating under the pretense of FALSE science.. while proclaiming "real science" is being done.
This "fish call" hypothesis is SUCH a reach.. it has no merit in the discussion.
Most likely possible cause. Fault lines. I would urge you to NOT have a fishing pole ready to catch midshipman fish..... rather.... have an earthquake plan ready if you live in the pacific northwest (seattle / cascadia region).
Do NOT believe these talking heads --- the sound is NOT from fish mating calls !! Most likely, its related to tectonic forces at work. Don't believe me about the seismic unrest... see my most recent earthquake overview , and rethink your position !
here is the link to the MSM full story: