Saturday, September 8, 2012 | Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) - Saturday SEPTEMBER 8, 2012

Solar activity is fairly low with only C-Class flare activity detected around departing Sunspot 1560 now located on the western limb. All other visible sunspot regions are currently stable. 

A bright Coronal Mass Ejection is visible in the latest Lasco C2 images on Saturday morning. The source of the plasma cloud appears to have been an eruption around Sunspot 1553.This region is currently transiting the farside of the Sun. Images below by Lasco C2 and STEREO Ahead.  So far it does not appear to be Earth directed.

As you can see in this inverted STEREO Ahead COR2 image, the Coronal Mass Ejection was full-halo and aimed directly towards the STEREO Ahead spacecraft.

Coronal Mass Ejection (Saturday) - Lasco C2

Eruption around 1553 (Saturday) - STEREO Ahead