Saturday, May 9, 2009

Shanghai GM April sales up 35% to 55,246 units in mainland China - GM's Joint Venture with China

The following is a news item from Drudge Report this morning, May 9, 2009.

A quick Google news search for "Shanghai GM" brings forth over 1500 news articles such as the above providing information that GM in China is experiencing sales up 35%.

A little use of my computer's search engine and I can see that: General Motors is the best selling foreign auto maker in China.

You are fragmented when what you say, think, feel and do ... speak different messages

For example, you would expose being fragmented by saying you are "fine" while your house is being foreclosed upon and just lost your job. There is some definite fragmentation with our politicians using US taxpayers to bail out GM while at the same time GM marriage in mainland China is smelling financially very sweet. Americans go in debt for a huge corporation while Chinese reap huge financial benefits from this same corporation due to a Joint Venture (marriage in the land inhabited by corporations):
Shanghai General Motors Company Limited (Shanghai GM) is a joint venture between General Motors and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). Shanghai GM manufactures and sells automobiles in mainland China.
Joint Venture 101:
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Two heads are better than one. United we stand.

A herd of out-of-control politicians in Washington DC giving money to corporations comes under my own label as WACKO ... let alone a corporation that is thriving in its marriage across the Pacific ocean in China.

It was way back in the late 1970's that I personally began to view corporations as unnatural entities. About that time my 4 young children were put on a PROPERTY settlement agreement in my divorce proceedings from their father, however, corporations were seen as PERSONS by the eyes of the law. My children were seen as PROPERTY - yet a corporation was seen legally as a PERSON. Take your time and think about it.

During that same period of time as I woke up to children as property and corporations as persons, I was also essentially tossed out of a Bible Study group because of my insistence that a Beast, as in Revelations - is an unnatural entity - very descriptive of corporations. Having been a Registered Abstracter of real estate titles - property was a word both in my active and passive vocabulary base. I had become aware of the vast amount of real estate owned by main stream churches with their headquarters located outside the Midwestern state I lived in.

Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how vast amounts of real estate within a particular county that isn't being taxed has the result of making the rest of those paying taxes pick up the bill for what such mainstream church got out of paying. On top of getting out of assisting in the tax burden, revenues from huge chunks of good farm lands owned by churches was NOT retained locally, but rather this yearly farm revenue moved directly out of my state. Mainstream churches were sucking out farm revenue from the state like a vacuum cleaner plus sticking local people living in those counties with higher tax bills. And, year and after year elderly people kept leaving their farm lands to their church no doubt falsely thinking it was being given to their "local church" - not into the bank accounts and balance sheets of some corporate headquarters out of their state.

Back in the late 1970's during the born again revolution really beginning, I wasn't making any sense how a church could describe themselves as the body of Christ when they are incorporated. I haven't make a good sheeple now for decades!

It is 2009 and I merely look at the United States as a corporation with its headquarters in Washington, District of Columbia - another "off-shore" corporation so to speak since its headquarters is outside the boundaries of the 50 states, i.e., District of Columbia. It is only my own childish thinking if I presumed those in the District of Columbia were looking out for the best interest of those residing in the 50 states.

The tons of gold owned by those in the City of London also discloses the results of humans feeding the species of beasts that may be termed banking corporations.
The City is not one of the 32 London boroughs. It is governed by the City of London Corporation, which has some unusual responsibilities for a local authority, such as being the police authority for the City. It also has responsibilities and ownerships beyond the City's boundaries..
Decades have now passed since my own awakening to the beasts of corporate entities and I have been saying for years that as long as people are comfortable they will remain asleep to the real threat imposed by corporations fashioned by the words of attorneys. The adolescent phase of cognitive development has been described as self-absorption with awareness focusing upon self comfort and stimulation - much like addictive cognition.

Adults are to carry the task of attending to the children - and if children are seen by the laws of this land as property while corporations are seen as persons - investigation is needed into those responsible for such laws.