Monday, October 26, 2009

Electrolyte and fluid replacement in a post/nuke environment

Some of you may find this interesting...
After a nuclear attack, people who have been exposed to significant levels of radioactive fallout may suffer severe vomiting and diarrhea.
Here is a recipe for expedient fluid replacement, for these individuals...
It just may save some lives, if you can purchase these items 'before-hand'.

Zulu Cowboy
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Item / single dose / storage ratios for 300 quarts
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Lite salt / 1 teaspoon / 5 - 11 oz. tubes of Morton Lite Salt
Baking soda / 1/3 teaspoon / one pound box
sugar / 10 teaspoons / 25 pound sack
water / 1 quart / 300 quarts (75 gallons)

By Dr. Jane Orient (President of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness)

One teaspoon of "Lite Salt" (by Morton, 1/2 iodized potassium chloride, 1/2 sodium chloride in a blue cylinder), 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), 10 teaspoons of table sugar (sucrose), and one quart of water. That happens to be a life saving fluid replacement and partial electrolyte expedient replacement. At least it is expedient if you have had the foresight to purchase the above three items BEFORE an emergency happens while it is readily available and very cheap. Many people die in times of emergency because of fluid losses. This can be from burns, vomiting, or diarrhea. The body needs water and certain water soluble chemicals to function. If either or both of these drop below a certain level, you die. There are many non-fatal diseases like cholera that become fatal due to lack of simple things like proper fluid replacement. If you have ever had a bad case of diarrhea and start to have pain in your muscles or joints, congratulations, you have had the early warning symptoms of a potassium deficiency. Bananas are very high in potassium. For ease of purchasing the items for Dr. Orient's formula, Morton Lite Salt comes in a 11 oz. light blue cylinder. Baking soda a 1 or 4 pound box. Sugar 5, 10, or 25 pound sack. To make approximately 300 quarts of the solution you need 5 - 11 oz. units of Morton's Lite salt, 1 - 1 pound box of baking soda, and 25 pounds of sugar.

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