Tuesday, January 12, 2010

NATURAL WORLD IS BEING KILLED BY THE ELITE'S SCIENCE - Science focused upon providing power and control to the few

Transhumanism - the new word for eugentics, robotics, bio-tech, cognitive sciences, merging man and machines.


Streaming video trailer

GMO trees do not produce seeds, nuts, berries, etc. There are now God's trees and now man's trees. The trees grow fast - but, are in essence dead trees. These trees are non-reproducing.

Chem trails now being seen to be killing trees through out the country due to the heavy metal and lacking the ability for adequate photosynthesis and trees are subsequently being victimized by fungus, molds, etc. Chem trail heavy metals also are affecting soil and groundwater. Genetically engineered trees tolerate heavy metals.

Global Justice Ecology Project - Stop Genetically Engineered Trees