Friday, April 2, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - April 2, 2010

Organic cheaters exposed by public protest at health products trade show

(NaturalNews) The Organic Consumers Association has long fought against what it calls "organic cheater brands" -- personal care products that use the name "organic" in the product name or brand, yet are not truly organic products at all. This year at...

90 Percent of Parents Want to Know More About Alternative Medicine, Survey Reveals
(NaturalNews) Ninety percent of parents would like to know more about alternative medical approaches for their children, according to a survey conducted by Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota (Children's), a nationwide leader in integrative...

Antidepressants simply don't work on most patients, study finds
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have found that antidepressant drugs do little to nothing for people with mild to moderate depression. Countering the belief that drugs help everyone with depression, Robert DeRubeis...

Rogue Kidney Brokers in The U.S. Sell Black Market Organs for Transplantation
(NaturalNews) The recent arrests of 44 people on charges of organ trafficking have exposed a major criminal market in illegal organ transplants, where wealthy patients purchase organs from poor Third World residents through brokers residing in the United...

Let Go of Negative Energy: Easy Techniques to Help
Ever had a conversation or incident with someone that left you upset for a day or two? Maybe there's someone in your life, perhaps a boss or family member, that this happens with regularly? Energy is exchanged in conversation and in events...

Falling Potash: Stop Our Pending Agricultural Collapse
Of the three big fertilizers used in agriculture (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus), two are minerals that must be mined. Potassium ("potash") is a mineral that is mined, processed, and then spread on fields as fertilizer in most modern, industrial...

Playgrounds for Seniors: A Fun and Practical Idea Gets the Elderly in Motion
In Great Britain and Japan, playgrounds are being built for seniors. In Manchester, United Kingdom, seniors can use low impact exercise equipment in Dam Head Public Park. In Japan, with birthrates falling and the numbers of senior citizens...

Vitamin and Mineral Shortages Cause Degenerative Diseases
When micronutrients like vitamins and minerals are in short supply they are temporarily reserved for the most essential organs, at the expense of less pressing tasks. This is a survival mechanism, an example of physiological triage (1). Neglecting...

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