Monday, April 5, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - April 5, 2010

Medicated in the cockpit: FAA says pilots on psych drugs can fly commercial airliners
(NaturalNews) What would happen if the Columbine high school rampage shooters who were psyched out on mind-altering antidepressant drugs had been piloting a jet airliner instead? On Friday, the FAA issued a new rule that says pilots taking psychiatric...

Diabetes drug linked to kidney problems, but FDA keeps it on the market anyway
(NaturalNews) Three days after approving the Eli Lilly and Amylin drug Byetta as a stand-alone treatment for Type 2 diabetes, the FDA announced that the drug has been linked to kidney damage. "Health care professionals and patients...

HRT drugs shown to cause asthma
(NaturalNews) A new study out of France has revealed that women who undergo oestrogen-only hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are at a heightened risk of developing asthma for the first time. Several previous studies have also indicated that the oestrogen...

Natural Treatment Helps Hair Loss in Women
Many women are dismayed to see hair falling out in clumps, either following childbirth, during or after menopause or due to other causes. While some daily hair loss is normal, thinning hair and partial baldness is a frightening prospect for...

Ibuprofen and Other NSAIDs Kill 2,500 a Year in the UK
(NaturalNews) As many as 2,500 people per year die in the United Kingdom each year from stomach bleeding, a well-known side effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen. NSAIDs function by blocking the action...

Natural Ways Control Your Blood Sugar
Diabetes has run rampant in our society today. The sad part is that the majority of diabetes cases here in the US can be prevented via dietary and lifestyle changes. Instead, we've been...

Understand and Prevent Autism with Seven Simple Steps
Autism is a disease characterized by impaired communication and social development, and one in 110 children these days is being diagnosed with autism related problems. Autism is often associated with heavy metals in the body, particularly...

AIDS vaccines stop working after a few months, shocked researchers discover
(NaturalNews) An experimental new AIDS vaccine is proving to be effective for only a very short time, according to researchers who have been finding it difficult to explain whether or not the drug is actually useful. Dr. Nelson Michael, a colonel at the...

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