Friday, May 21, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - May 21, 2010

Wild foods on camera: Saguaro cactus fruit picking with David Wolfe
(NaturalNews) If you've never seen a band of raw foodists picking wild saguaro cactus fruit, you're in for a real treat. When I used to live in Tucson, I went out with David Wolfe, Raw CEO and several other wild foods enthusiasts to pick raw saguaro...

Two-year-old toddlers being dosed up with antipsychotic drugs
(NaturalNews) Children between the ages of two and five are being treated with antipsychotics at twice the rate they were ten years ago, according to a study conducted by researchers from Columbia University and published in the journal Health Affairs...

Vitamin D deficiencies at epidemic levels, says new study
(NaturalNews) Vitamin D is an amazing nutrient that protect the body from all sorts of diseases and problems. Researchers continually uncover new links between lack of vitamin D and disease, illustrating the fact that it is vital to good health. However...

Food industry too secretive over nanoparticles
(NaturalNews) The food industry is being too secretive about the extent to which it has adopted nanotechnology, according to a report by the United Kingdom's House of Lords Science and Technology Committee. The industry is "very reluctant to put its...

Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque
The arteries are major blood vessels that the heart uses to pump blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Over time, arterial walls can become congested with a fatty substance known as plaque. When this happens to a severe point, the...

Health Alert: Read This Before You Board Another Airplane, Part I
There is a more sinister danger lurking in commercial airline flights than microbes being recycled in cabin air. Something in cockpit and cabin air occasionally visits human lungs and wreaks havoc with human health. There are many victims...

Re-Grow Your Thymus Gland with Colostrum
People seeking to push the boundaries of longevity or enjoy the benefits of a highly functioning immune system are looking for ways to counter the natural decline associated with aging. There are some astonishing facts associated with the...

Pig virus contaminates rotavirus vaccines, but FDA says no problem
(NaturalNews) Rotavirus vaccines are commonly given to children, and this year's batch of vaccines are contaminated with a pig virus, the FDA recently discovered. So the FDA called a meeting to determine whether injecting...

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