Monday, June 14, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - June 14, 2010

Big Pharma lies about statin drugs finally exposed in British Medical Journal
(NaturalNews) To hear Big Pharma tell it, statin drugs are "miracle" medicines that have prevented millions of heart attacks and strokes. But a recent study published in the British Medical Journal tells a completely different story: For every...

Few Women Truly Understand the Risks of Mammograms
(NaturalNews) One in three breast cancers detected by mammograms would never have posed a threat to the patient's life, making all the treatments that follow unnecessary, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Center in...

Foodborne illness scare stories set agenda for food irradiation scheme by FDA
(NaturalNews) A recent report issued by several consumer and public health groups has found that foodborne illness costs the U.S. about $152 billion a year in health-related expenses. Prior estimates were much lower, and the groups are using this new...

Tamiflu Drug Causes Nightmares in One in Five Children
(NaturalNews) The antiviral drug Tamiflu, widely prescribed as a treatment for H1N1 swine flu, produces neuropsychiatric side effects such as nightmares in nearly 20 percent of all children treated with it, according to a pair of studies conducted by...

Less Health Care Results in Better Health
In recent studies, less health care is often better than more. Much of the debate about the overuse of medical services has focused on cost. There is fear that cutting costs would lead to a reduction in care. But in reality reducing medical...

How to Use Natural Neem Oil for Flea and Tick Control on Dogs
Using neem oil for flea and tick control for dogs is different than for cats and preparations have different quantities of active ingredients. Commercially available toxic pesticide products are being advertised everywhere; although they...

The American Cancer Society Runs With the Money and Away from the Cure, Part I
The American Cancer Society (ACS) was back in the news this month when they disputed the findings of the President's Cancer Panel on the role of toxins in causing cancer. Though the new report echoes what other experts have maintained for...

New research: flavonoid quercetin fights viral infections, protects against chronic lung diseases
(NaturalNews) Asthma, cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are serious and even life-threatening conditions. However, these health problems share something with a usually minor infection -- the common cold. The connection...

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