Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dutchsinse | NEW CALDERA EXPLODES! Large Shock Wave -- Sakurajima Volcano in Japan

A NEW CALDERA HAS FORMED !!! behind the common erupting caldera.. on the back side of the mountain... a new area has exploded ! It began steaming MONTHS ago.. October 2011. 
documented the new steaming which began in Oct. on my blog here:
Sakurajima online cameras have not been posting the past few months..
today.. (july 24, 2012) we see a VERY LARGE blast occur... it is a daytime eruption.. so we're not going to see too much glowing lava or lightning off of this.. however... the size of the blast shock wave, and the size of the ash plume fallout show the magnitude of this eruption.
mirrored with permission from: