Thursday, September 3, 2009

Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS - September 3, 2009

Iowa Quarantine Order -- Look what it says: The Iowa Department of Public Health (Department) has determined that you have had contact with a person with Novel Influenza A H1N1. The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease. The Department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable because [insert the reason home quarantine is not acceptable, the person violated a previously issued home quarantine order, the person does not have an appropriate home setting conducive to home quarantine, etc.] The Department is therefore ordering you to comply with the following provisions during the entire period of quarantine: Read More...

Defense Department to Start H1N1 Flu Vaccinations -- All military personnel will be vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus, and the vaccine will be available to all military family members who want it, a Defense Department health affairs official said today. The H1N1 vaccination program will begin in early October, said Army Lt. Col. (Dr.) Wayne Hachey, director of preventive medicine for Defense Department health affairs.

Maryland Gov. Calls Seasonal Flu Shots a 'Patriotic Duty' -- Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) on Wednesday said it was residents' "patriotic duty" to get seasonal flu shots in coming weeks to make it easier for health officials to determine if outbreaks are related to H1N1, or swine flu.

Home Page of the CDC where they are tracking each State as it comes on line in compliance with the Feds pig flu program -- Bookmark it and check back often.....

Higher cancer rates in under 18 cell phone users -- The great cell phone cover-up may be coming to an end. A new report may finally wake the public up to the brain-cancer risks of cell phones and force necessary preventive measures.

Big Brother Barack: Students Must Read Books About Him Prior to National School Address
Get the Classroom Agendas here: Grades preK-6 and Grades 7-12 (To find this info, just scroll down to Sept. 2 news)

Mercury found in blood of one third of American women -- The level of inorganic mercury in the blood of American women has been increasing since 1999 and it is now found in the blood of one in three women, according to a new analysis of government data for more than 6,000 American women.

Thimerosal, organic mercury, swine flu & you -- The U.S. Geological Survey did a study that found mercury in fish from every one of 291 streams they tested across the United States. You don’t need me to tell you that mercury is dangerous, but I started researching mercury to find out how dangerous.

Contractors in Kabul accused of lewd & deviant behavior -- A national watchdog group is asking the Pentagon to deploy military minders to oversee a group of contractors hired to guard the US Embassy in Kabul. The group reports that guards there created a "Lord of the Flies"-like environment that threatened embassy security.

Boeing's new death beam zaps vehicle -- Boeing announced yesterday that the Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) — a C-130H cargo aircraft tricked out with a chemical laser — had successfully engaged a “tactically representative target,” i.e., a vehicle parked on the ground.

Preparing for a riot -- Area agencies receive crowd-control training.

Chinese villagers riot over polluting plant: residents -- Villagers in southeastern China attacked police and took local officials hostage in protests over a wastewater treatment plant they accuse of pollution, residents and state media said Tuesday.

US Dept of Energy trying to fast track nuclear loans -- The U.S. Department of Energy is attempting to fast track its nuclear loan guarantee program by drastically limiting the opportunity for the public to comment on changes to its regulations.

Whistleblower releases Skype snooping code -- The source code for a Windows Trojan capable of recording Skype calls as MP3 files has been released in a move that spells bad news for VoIP confidentiality.

Crisis as a way to build a totalitarian state -- As the world financial and economic crisis comes into its own, the Western community leaders are seeking to impress on mankind the idea that this upheaval will end up ‘turning the world into something different’.

Psychology Today hit piece labels conspiracy thinking a psychotic illness -- In an article entitled Dark Minds: When does incredulity become paranoia, Psychology Today writer John Gartner attempts to make the case that the concerns of “conspiracy theorists” are not based in reality but are a product of mental instability, while himself fulfilling every criteria for what he claims classifies such people as psychotics – ignoring evidence that contradicts his preconceptions while embracing the ludicrous “conspiracy theory” that powerful men and governments do not conspire to advance their power