NACQC Native American Coalition of the Quad Cities
Posted: Sunday, September 6, 2009 3:30 pm
The Labor Day Weekend Powwow wraps up Sunday at Black Hawk State Historic Site, Rock Island. The names for two white buffalo calves at Niabi Zoo, Coal Valley, were announced during Saturday's events. The name of the older calf is Wanigi Ska (Lakota for White Ghost), and the younger one is Akicita (a Lakota name that means warrior or peacekeeper), storyteller Tony Richards (Lakota) said.
All nations are welcome to attend the Powwow and admission is free. Featured presentations are the Brown Otter Singers (Meskwaki), invited drum, Thundershield (Kansas), northern drum, Richards, Head Woman Dancer, Hattie Whitebreast (Meskwaki), and Head Man Dancer, Sydney Keahna (Meskwaki), flute player, Jean Norton (Potawatomi), and a Marine Corps Color Guard from the Meskwaki nation.
Native food, crafts and vendors are available, and people can watch demonstrations of loom weaving and roach headdress-making.
The event is presented by the Native American Coalition of the Quad-Cities at Black Hawk State Historic Site, Rock Island. The grounds open at 10:30 a.m., today and a grand entry takes place at noon.