Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cave Editorial | 14 October 2009

First snowfall - October 10, 2009

I look out my windows and see the effects of hard frost - my butterfly bushes still had blossoms when there was snow landing upon them.

October 14, 2009

The Service Berry bush on my patio has the prettiest leaves that are changing color. Service Berry bushes usually grow as thickets and are native to Nebraska and the berries were once gathered by the Native Americans and dried for the winter.

It was said that there is a season and a time for everything. Today, is the time for the updating on this blog to cease.

I will maybe keep my Web Bot Links blog updated, however, it is time to focus exclusively upon myself and those I love.

What is going to be happening within this nation is fast approaching times of great turmoil - as the news from across the globe is likewise in turmoil.

I am leaving behind more than enough links to both science and news sites. Who knows how long the Internet will stay up ... as we know it. The Treasury Bond bubble will be ugly as will the commercial real estate bubble ... the dollar is dead and its like a walking zombie right now.

Those still playing the game of right/left, republican/democrat, gay/against gay, and all the other divisive games made up by the PowersThatBe are beyond my control to awaken ... I have family and friends that will also be among those described as Muckers ... when the proverbial SHTF in the very near future.

If people can't figure out about Banksters in bed with our government with the $Trillion bailouts - how can they figure out that Big Pharma is sleeping in that bed also. My favorite cousin died as a result of their depopulation targeted vaccines.

My prayers are with everyone during the time period that Clif described as EPIC. I am moving swiftly to my 60th birthday and as I've said for decades ... "

Life is not a puzzle to be solved, but an adventure to be experienced
I exist within a most miraculous Universe