Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Military.com | Many Vets Can't Cash GI Bill Checks

In response to the hardships caused by delays in delivering GI Bill benefits, the Department of Veterans Affairs began issuing advance educational benefit payments to veteran-students in the form of US Bank business checks. These emergency checks are being issued in amounts up to $3,000 for veteran-students who have applied for GI Bill benefits and who have not yet received their VA payment. VA's 57 regional offices began issuing these checks to eligible Veteran-students across the country on Friday, October 2, 2009. Unfortunately, many veterans have found it nearly impossible to cash the VA checks. To help with this latest snag, the VA has established a special customer service call-in number (1-800-827-2166) for banks to verify the validity of any US Bank check brought to them by a veteran. Banks calling these numbers will be connected directly to a VA employee who can access to all necessary information to verify who the check was issued to, the check number and dollar amount of the check, and whether the check was previously cashed or not.

To learn more, read the blog post on the Military Education Blog.