Monday, November 16, 2009 | NO CAP AND TRADE

The House of Representatives rammed through the mind blowing 1500 page American Clean Energy Security Act of 2009 (H.R. 2454) on June 26th, 2009. The last 300 pages had just been written the night before. No one had seen it. There wasn't even a copy on the floor of the House. Yet, it is the most expensive, intrusive, job destroying, economically damaging bill ever considered in the history of the US. The US Senate is now considering it as the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, S 1733. This is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever considered by Congress. Watch our short 3-4 minute videos and read our article in Range Magazine to find out just how dangerous this bill is. Then call your Senator and tell him or her not to vote for this bill. Go to to get contact information.

If you think cap and trade is needed or innocuous, think again!
What we are facing just to start
(by 2030)
· $3000 per family per year in increased energy costs
· $4,600 per family per year total increased cost of living
· $700 billion a year loss of GDP.
· $5.7 Trillion in increased taxes
· $9.4 Trillion total cost thru 2030
· Up to 6 Million lost jobs (based on Spanish experience)
· 2.2 jobs lost for every green job created (Spanish experience)
· $750,000+ cost for every green job created
· National debt will rise to minimum $12,803 per person
· Trading of carbon credits on the derivatives market -- the same one that caused the financial collapse last year.
· Devastating to 3rd World Nations