Friday, December 4, 2009 | Headlines - December 4, 2009

By Dr. Laurie Roth
December 4, 2009
The sleeping Giant has awakened. People are marching on Washington, T parties are growing and faxes are flying to congress. We ain’t at all happy. The push for a Government health care bill is non-constitutional, immoral and we can’t afford it, while the push toward global warming this or that is based on ‘lost’ data and false science from mad magazine. Yes, indeed the people have woken up and we are grumpy, with bad breath and desperate to find our coffee.
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It’s Over, Al Gore
Abandon your lucrative carbon-scheming, admit there was never a ‘consensus’ and give back the Nobel Peace Prize

Aaron Dykes
Al Gore has just cancelled a high-profile appearance at the upcoming Copenhagen climate change conference only days after ‘ClimateGate’ revelations cast doubt on the legitimacy of the scientific ‘consensus’ (“hiding the decline” is not scientific in any respect). Just days ago, CRU director Phil Jones stepped down from his position at East Anglia University.
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Climategate: Michael ‘Piltdown’ Mann throws Phil Jones out of the sleigh as panic grows
By Gerald Warner


December 4th, 2009
When a pending investigation provokes panic among suspected wrongdoers, the first thing to collapse is any sense of solidarity in their ranks. A week ago you could not have put a fag paper between Michael “Piltdown” Mann, of hockey stick notoriety, and Phil Jones, the then director of the Creative Research Unit at the “University” of East Anglia. In those confident days, the communal line was that some hackers had stolen university property, Plod would soon be on the case, so move on, please, nothing to see here.
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Taibbi: Obama’s sellout to Wall Street creates ‘permanent bailout’
By David Edwards and Daniel Tencer

If passed as it is, the financial reform bill winding its way through Congress will create a “permanent bailout mechanism,” and will give complete control over future bailouts to the White House, says columnist Matt Taibbi.
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Predictions for 2010…Good News - Bad News
Roger Wiegand
Will 2010 be a 1930 or, comparable to 1937? Is it different this time? When one nation state of a formerly high productive stature destroys itself with inflation, the untouched others can soften the blow and in time bail out the fallen one. This was Germany’s fate in the 1920’s. In our current instance, most all of the world’s economies are on their knees with some hurting worse than others. Who can help with recovery this time? There is no one. It will not be China as some suppose as China shall suffer the same systemic collapse as the U.S, and all of Europe, Russia, and South America. China’s neighbors Japan, Taiwan, Korea, India, Indonesia and others will join the fallen.
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Feds Think They Have Won This Fight Against the Depression
By Bill Bonner
December 4th, 2009
What’s new in the financial world? Well, the Dow sold off a little yesterday. Gold rose another $12. Otherwise, not much new. Same scams. Same frauds. Same claptrap and bunkum.
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Obama the Desperate
The desperate war cries of a besieged president

By Alexander Cockburn

Ritual triumphalism about America’s righteous mission in the closing sentences of his speech did not dispel the distinct impression during President Obama’s 33-minute address to cadets at West Point on Tuesday night that we were listening to a man defeated by the challenge of justifying the dispatch of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
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The Foxes Guard the Financial Henhouse
Whom is Congress putting in charge of the market for credit-default swaps?
By Daniel Hemel
Ever since his inauguration, President Obama has confronted charges that he has let proverbial “foxes” stand guard over the financial henhouse. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Gary Gensler is a former Goldman Sachs partner, and Treasury Chief of Staff Mark Patterson is a former Goldman lobbyist. In both cases, Obama actually tapped ex-foxes: Gensler left Goldman in 1997; Patterson severed ties to the firm in 2008.

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Dump US dollar, invest in commodities: Jim Rogers
By David Lew
The US dollar is increasingly getting battered by global investment pundits. Singapore-settled billionaire commodities investor Jim Rogers says it is high time small-time and big-time investors dumped the American currency. Instead, Rogers says, investors should shift their money from dollar to commodities.

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Plundering California
Steven Greenhut
The economy is struggling, the unemployment rate is high, and many Americans are struggling to pay the bills, but one class of Americans is doing quite well: government workers. Their pay levels are soaring, they enjoy unmatched benefits, and they remain largely immune from layoffs, except for some overly publicized cutbacks around the margins. To make matters worse, government employees—thanks largely to the power of their unions—have carved out special protections that exempt them from many of the rules that other working Americans must live by. California has been on the cutting edge of this dangerous trend, which has essentially turned government employees into a special class of citizens.

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By Chuck Baldwin
December 4, 2009

I was led to Christ at the tender age of 5 while sitting on my mother’s lap. I was raised in a devout, churchgoing Christian home. I have been in Gospel ministry all of my adult life (I am 57 years old). I have attended or have degrees and/or diplomas from 4 fundamentalist/evangelical colleges or Bible schools. I have been the Senior Pastor of a local Independent Baptist congregation for 34 years and counting. I have spoken in churches and Christian gatherings all over the country. I say all of that simply to provide my Christian credentials (in much the same way that the Apostle Paul provided his Jewish credentials in Philippians 3:5,6). As such, I believe I know something about the attitudes, conduct, philosophy, mindset, etc., of America’s Christians. I am not an outsider; I speak as one within the conservative/fundamentalist Christian camp.
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