Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chertoff Profits From Full Body Scanners And Other Police State Technology



Chertoff Profits From Full Body Scanners And Other Police State Technology

As reported on NPR news, former Homeland Security Chief (and likely Obstructor-in-Chief of the investigation into Israeli "movers" busted on 9/11 "documenting" the event and cheering) Michael Chertoff is now a "consultant" who profits from sales of full body scanners and "a lot of other security measures."

This technology, designed to force people into feelings of fear, nakedness and submission, is reminiscent of prison and concentration camp procedures. It is the modern equivalent of ancient Pharaonic social control techniques detailed for example in the Narmer Palette, which shows a larger than life Pharaoh beating, decapitating and otherwise dominating smaller, naked victims:


Here is the admission on NPR:
