Wednesday, January 6, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - January 6, 2010

When it comes to soy, don't blame the bean; blame the processing
(NaturalNews) One of the strangest behaviors I've ever seen in the natural health crowd is something I call "Soy Rage." It's an angry reaction that wells up in some people every time they hear me recommend natural, non-GMO, home-made soy milk. People...

Disinfectants may turn potentially deadly germs into superbugs
(NaturalNews) The opportunistic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is increasingly recognized as a cause of severe nosocomial infections -- those are infections people contract as a result of treatment in a hospital or other medical center...

Just as Predicted: Drug Companies Now Pushing Vaccines for All Kinds of Health Conditions
(NaturalNews) The growing lull in drug sales over the past several years has driven the industry to ramp up its efforts in the vaccine department. Once a dying segment of the drug market, vaccines are back in the limelight as drug manufacturers...

Use Mullein Verbascum to Heal Ear Aches and Ulcers
The Verbascum or Mullein family of plants is one of the oldest known medicinal plants. They have been used in herbal medicine around the world for inflammation in many parts of the body, including the lungs, the ears, the kidneys and the...

Broccoli Protects Your Arteries
(NaturalNews) The health benefits of broccoli and related vegetables may come in part from a chemical known as sulforaphane, which appears to activate a specific heart-protecting protein, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College...

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health: Pumpkin Seeds Expel Parasites
In ancient China, people used an herb called Nan Gua Zi - pumpkin seeds - to expel parasites, especially tapeworm and roundworm. Today parasites may be more of a problem than commonly thought. In Healing With Whole Foods, Paul...

Boost Your Immune System with Smoothies
Beginning of the school year, rumors of the swine flu sparked great fear around the world. As viruses and bacteria begin to spread like wild fire throughout our communities, you are probably searching for the best immune system supplements...

Learn Ayurveda Remedies
Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that considers mind, body, and spirit when diagnosing and treating patients. It is the traditional system of medicine in India and has been practiced for 3,000 years. The word ayurveda means "wisdom...

Window cleaning chemical injected into fast food hamburger meat
(NaturalNews) If you're in the beef business, what do you do with all the extra cow parts and trimmings that have traditionally been sold off for use in pet food? You scrape them together into a pink mass, inject them with a chemical to kill the e.coli...

Your vote is requested (again) for the Reader's Choice "Best Superfood Powder" of 2009 award
(NaturalNews) Our "Best of 2009" awards survey has attracted a tremendous amount of attention (and action) on the part of readers, health-conscious consumers and even some of the companies mentioned in the survey. The competition among the products nominated...

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