Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | January 6, 2010

Joyce Riley was a Flight Nurse & Cardiovascular Heart Transplant Nurse - her radio program is always good and very informative. Check out archives if you can't listen when she comes on a 7am:
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GMAC Says Lender Will Post $5 Billion Quarterly Loss -- GMAC Inc., the auto and home lender bailed out by the U.S. government three times, said its combined fourth-quarter loss was about $5 billion as the company tried to staunch mortgage defaults. GMAC cited a previously disclosed $3.8 billion pretax charge tied to revaluing “higher-risk mortgage loans” that it intends to sell, according to an investor presentation today. The firm expects delinquencies to peak next year, and home prices to bottom in the first quarter of 2011, according to the slide show.

Cleveland Unions Have One Week To Accept Concessions Or Face Layoffs -- The mayor sent a total of about 160 layoff notices out just before Christmas in order to meet the a two- week notification deadline to cut employees loose after next Monday. At that time, the Cleveland Fraternal Order of Police – which represents supervisors - had rejected the mayors’ proposed concessions. Shortly after that, the Patrolman’s Union followed suit, as did the EMS union. Those votes will mean the city will lay off just under a hundred officers and paramedics, and demote several higher ranking police personnel. (This is what Bob Chapman was talking about, this past Monday on the PH).

This Year's Housing Crisis -- High unemployment rates also mean that many borrowers who did qualify for aid have been unable to keep up with even reduced monthly payments. As a result, an estimated 2.4 million foreclosed homes will be added to the existing glut in 2010, driving prices down by another 10 percent or so. That would bring the average decline nationwide to about 40 percent since the peak of the market in 2006. A renewed price drop could usher in a new grim chapter in the foreclosure crisis. Already an estimated one-third of homeowners with a mortgage — nearly 16 million people — owe more than their homes are worth; in industry parlance, they are “underwater.”

"The Patriot" movie can be watched online free -- Watch free - The Patriot film online.

States battered with record lows face more frigid weather -- The system will bring blistering cold weather and winds across the country, including many states not used to such temperatures.

Arctic freeze and snow wreak havoc across planet -- There were few precedents for the global sweep of extreme cold and ice that killed dozens in India, paralyzed life in Beijing and threatened the Florida orange crop.

Winter prediction from 2010 Farmer's Almanac -- “People on the coasts shouldn’t think they’re off the hook just because we’re predicting milder winter weather for them. Shovelry is most certainly not dead.”

Asia's worst winter in 60 years -- More than ten inches of snow covered the South Korean capital, Seoul, between the early hours of the morning and this afternoon, the heaviest fall since records began in 1937.

Bomber at CIA base was double agent -- The suicide bomber who killed eight people inside a CIA base in Afghanistan claimed to have information about Osama bin Laden's second-in -command, and was being recruited as a double agent to infiltrate al-Qaida, a former senior U.S. intelligence official and a foreign government official confirmed Monday.

Couple in New York charged for failing to register home schooled children -- The sheriff's department says the two were home schooling their four children, ages 8 to 14 years old, without the required approval from the school district.

DARPA kick starts flying car program -- Military scientists are looking to ramp up research and development of a flying military vehicle that will hold up to 4 people and have the ability to launch vertically and soar when necessary.

Cash strapped seniors in UK buy cheap used books to use for heating homes -- Some cash-strapped British pensioners are buying books from charity shops and burn them to keep warm as freezing temperatures gripped the UK, a London newspaper reported Tuesday.

Just as predicted: Drug companies now pushing vaccines for all kinds of health conditions -- Vaccine sales are expected to double in the next five years, leaping from $19 billion in 2008 to $39 billion in 2013.

Ron Paul: "This is not what America is all about" -- Dr. Paul appeared on Larry King Live last night to discuss terrorism, the TSA, and related issues.

National Guard revives Nazi oath to Hitler-always place mission first, not Constitution -- In 2003, the US Army adapted the “Soldier’s Creed” to program soldiers to shift their Oath of Enlistment from “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” to the heel-clicking, non-thinking, dictator-obeying, “I will always place the mission first.”

Military blogger Michael Yon detained by TSA thugs at Seattle airport -- Yon was escorted to a room elsewhere in the airport where he said he remained silent during much of the questioning. According to Yon, “they handcuffed me for failing to cooperate. They said I was impeding their ability to do their job.”

Personal bankruptcy filings rising fast -- Overall, personal bankruptcy filings hit 1.41 million last year, up 32% from 2008.

Monsanto named company of the year by Forbes magazine -- The publication cites Monsanto's on-going work in the field of bio-engineering to improve crop yields and feed an ever-growing world population.

Robert Rubin: All hell could break loose because of huge government debt -- The United States faces projected 10-year federal budget deficits that seriously threaten its bond market, exchange rate, economy, and the economic future of every American worker and family.

Woman developed cough that won't go away after getting swine flu vaccine -- A lot of people who have developed very severe side effects after receiving the H1N1 swine flu vaccine do not know what to do. This is the story recently posted by a reader named Dawn. She received the H1N1 swine flu vaccine about a month ago, and since then she has developed asthma (she never had it before) and she has had a severe cough.
* Mother of 8 year old regrets giving child vaccine-she now has uncontrollable body movements -- It seems like every day we receive heartbreaking stories like the one that you are about to read. Thousands upon thousands of lives are being shattered by the H1N1 swine flu vaccine and yet the mainstream media will not report on all of these horrifying side effects that people are experiencing.

Study turns up 10 autism clusters in California -- U.S. researchers have identified 10 locations in California that have double the rates of autism found in surrounding areas, and these clusters were located in neighborhoods with high concentrations of white, highly educated parents.

Obamacare: A runaway fascistic train -- Obama's healthcare legislation is not more socialism, it's fascism, pure and simple, with "our" government fronting for the private International Monetary/Banking Cartel's insurance corporations, at great expense to all taxpaying Americans, who will be receiving far less health care than ever before.

Democrat leaders plan secret health reform deliberations -- Despite their claims to the contrary, the way that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have handled the healthcare bill has been anything but transparent.

Learn Ayurveda remedies -- Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that considers mind, body, and spirit when diagnosing and treating patients.

Company receives $143 million from US government to develop anthrax treatment -- Elusys Therapeutics, Inc. (Elusys), a privately-held biopharmaceutical company, announced today that it has signed a contract potentially totaling up to $143 million to complete the final development, commercial manufacturing and licensure of Anthim, the company's late stage anthrax therapeutic.

Georgia balances budget with speeding ticket TAX! -- Drivers in Georgia were hit for the first time last Friday with a new tax on speeding tickets designed to raise between $25 and $30 million in annual revenue for the general fund.

Extended period of cold raises fears for Florida crops -- Stock up on orange juice now.

Seattle man seeks to put up tipi at Crow Creek post -- As Crow Creek Sioux tribal Chairman Brandon Sazue continues his lonely, cold vigil on contested land on his tribe’s reservation, a move is afoot to replace his aging trailer with a tipi.

Court to cops: Stop tasing people into compliance -- The physiological effects, the high levels of pain, and foreseeable risk of physical injury lead us to conclude that the X26 and similar devices are a greater intrusion than other non-lethal methods of force we have confronted.

More than 1 in 6 Tennesseans on food stamps -- More and more Tennesseans are turning to food stamps to make ends meet. Nearly 1,186,000 Tennesseans, or more than one in six residents, currently receive some kind of food stamp assistance and the number continues to climb.

Defense 2010 : conflicts, program, technologies -- (check out the interactive map of world conflicts)

Air Force completes killer microdrone project -- The Air Force Research Laboratory set out in 2008 to build the ultimate assassination robot: a tiny, armed drone for U.S. special forces to employ in terminating “high-value targets.”

1000 people homeless on Solomon Islands after tsunami -- Landslides and a tsunami destroyed the homes of about one-third of the population on one of the islands in the Solomons, but lives were likely spared as residents with memories of previous disasters fled quickly to higher ground, officials said.
* Aftershocks rattles Solomons after earthquake and tsunami -- AFTERSHOCKS continued to shake the Solomon Islands today as officials visited isolated villages a day after a powerful 7.2 magnitude quake and tsunami damaged at least 500 homes.

The airport scanner scam -- The rush toward full-body scans already seems unstoppable. Read More...

From RFID news roundup -- Germany to issue RFID enabled National ID cards in November 2010 (scroll down for story)