Tuesday, February 16, 2010

BlackListedNews.com | Breaking Headlines - February 16, 2010

A new way of using the genetic code has been created, allowing proteins to be made with properties that have never been seen in the natural world. The breakthrough could eventually lead to the creation of new or "improved" life forms incorporating these new materials into their tissue.

Scientists have identified areas of the brain that, when damaged, lead to greater spirituality. The findings hint at the roots of spiritual and religious attitudes, the researchers say.

The European Commission has said it is seeking answers following allegations that Wall Street investment banks helped Greece hide the extent of its debt.

We've already seen a few of iKey's own wearable, nearly indestructible keyboards, but it looks like the company isn't above sharing its creations with others, and it's now announced that its working with SpecOps Systems on a new keypad-equipped version of the company's WC2 wearable computer.

Sobriety checkpoints in California are increasingly turning into profitable operations for local police departments—operations that are far more likely to seize cars from unlicensed motorists than catch drunk drivers.

Playing digital games is something people do for fun, right? It’s not brain surgery, and it’s certainly never going to change the world. Except game designer Jane McGonigal thinks games can change the world and that game developers have a responsibility to make it happen. Instead of just inviting gamers to escape into a game world that is more attractive than the real world, game developers have a responsibility to steer gamers toward improving the real world.

Dubai's police chief said Monday an 11-member hit squad carrying European passports and disguised in wigs, fake beards and tennis clothes was behind the mysterious killing of a Hamas commander in his hotel room last month. Authorities also released photos of the 11.

“WHEN some foreign nation restrains ... the importation of some of our manufactures ... revenge naturally dictates retaliation.”

As the Defense Budget Soars, Billions of Dollars are Channelled Offshore to Avoid Paying Taxes

Once is an anomaly; twice is the beginning of a pattern. Right now, we’re seeing the same sequence of events for the second time in less than a decade, and it looks like the signature American way of war in our time is coming into focus.

Children are being paid up to £25 a week to promote sugary soft drinks and other products through social networking sites and playground chat.

Mr. Narayanan cautioned the media to be careful and responsible while reporting matters of national security, as the country was dealing with dozen-odd credible threats. “Freedom of the press should not degenerate into a licence.”

The American blogosphere is going increasingly “viral” about a proposal advanced at the recent meeting of the Davos Economic Forum by Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft, that an equivalent of a “driver’s licence” should be introduced for access to the web

When Wall Street planned and executed the U.S. housing-bubble (and all its related scams), it destroyed the lives of tens of millions of Americans. Then, when it subsequently ‘crashed’ global markets, it inflicted hardship on most of the world. But the Oligarchs were just getting started.