Our King of Big Government Suggests We Need Another New Agency
The problem is that he doesn’t spend just nickels and dimes, no; this guy is more like the proverbial fool and his money but in the billions and trillions neighborhood, and it’s OUR money. No, no, none of that penny ante stuff like hundreds of thousands or even millions; it has to be in the billions or trillions or it doesn’t please his little spendthrift heart.
And now he is at it once again. He has found another new scheme to fondle and nurture into a budget busting, economy depressing, deficit and national debt obesity to strangle our children and our children’s children for decades to come. It’s his own personal Global Warming Agency; right here in RiverCity (Potomac?). Move over Al Gore you will be outguessed on the rise or fall of temperatures by none other than the Messiah of the new millennium, Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Hussein Obama. READ MORE
Since taking office, Obama’s key objective on terrorism has been to transform the public perception of it from an international military conflict, to a limited domestic criminal problem. Renaming terrorism to the bureaucratically euphonious term, “Man Caused Disasters” was straight out of the first rule in the textbook of organizational coverups, to phrase your sentences so that the identity of the perpetrators of the crisis remain as vague as possible. Focusing on everything but terrorism, while shutting down Gitmo and dispatching top Al Qaeda terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to civilian trials, was meant to restore the illusion of normalcy, while doing away with the terrorism focus of the Bush Administration.
Taking America back from the Marxist jaws of Barack Obama starts with your own children in the privacy of your own home.
Obama’s Marxist agenda for the USA did not start on Nov. 4, 2008. It started long before when he and his domestic terrorist pal Bill Ayers were force-feeding a radical agenda through the public school system.
The military has canceled the deposition of an alleged terrorist mastermind who claimed that he was assaulted by the military following his capture last year. The law firm Puckett and Faraj, representing Navy SEAL Matthew McCabe, made the announcement on Sunday.
During the January 2010 World Economic Summit in Davos Switzerland Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the current Chairman of the G-20, presented the upcoming agenda for the G-20 and G-8 meetings to be held in Ontario in June. Many were shocked to hear this Conservative leader declare that “we also know markets need governance. For the new global economy, the G-20 is what we have.” Harper went on to speak as an avowed Keynesian committed to a one world global economy, creating a world “we have been trying to build since 1945”.
Yesterday Paul Krugman penned an article for the New York Times, which in summary argued that America was lost because the Senate had too many procedures that could allow Republicans to block Obama, Reid and Pelosi’s idea of what is good for America. Lest you think this was mere hyperbole on Krugman’s part, he compared the United States of 2010 to 18th century Poland, to 18th century Poland, which in Krugman’s assessment was destroyed because of excessive democracy.
Just when you thought the mentally deranged and draconian insults had gone far enough with Nepolitano and Homeland security last April, identifying our vets and everyone else who has traditional American values, as potential terrorists, now it gets worse.