Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5/29/2012 -- Italy earthquakes = FRACKING! Two DOZEN people dead in two weeks !!

Two DOZEN people killed in since May 20, 2012 (the first large 6.0M+ at this location)..
The days of denying --- by so-called 'professionals' --- are over. Coordinates for this recent 5.8M today (5/29/2012) from USGS:
44.814°N, 11.079°E 
USGS stats:http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usb000a1mn.php
download google earth for FREE here ... http://earth.google.com 

At the epicenter --- drilling / pumping / fracking operation .

At least 15 people dead THIS time (5.8M on 5/29/2012)

7 dead on May 20, 2012: