Friday, June 1, 2012

Dutchsinse | 6/1/2012 -- East Coast tornadoes = Philadelphia PA -- heading northeast towards New York

Website post with screenshots and a link to dozens of RADAR/Satellite monitoring links:
Philadelphia webcams:
NYC webcams:
Trenton New Jersey webcams:
East coast, Midwest, and northern states — all under severe weather at the current time (330pm CDT 6/1/2012) — expect this to continue overnight into 6/2/2012... both systems on the move , east coast storm heading up the east coast towards southeast Canada / Maine . Bringing damaging winds, large hail, and tornadoes up the coast as this storm pushes further NE.
The south midwest — Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico — hail and damaging winds, as well as strong cell thunderstorms ... breaking out heading ESE from OKLATEX border region. This means .. watch Texas, Oklahoma New Mexico for additional strong cells to break out.
In the North midwest — South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota — damaging winds, and hail detected heading ESE .. watch the north midwest for additional strong cells to develop.