Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dutchsinse | 5/31/2012 -- Severe weather outlook = Tropics, West, Midwest, North, and South USA

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In the South US currently we are seeing a large outbreak of hail, damaging winds, and possible tornadoes. 
South Texas, entire state of Louisiana, East Arkansas, entire state of Mississippi, several portions of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana --- also have damaging winds and hail detected ------- be aware of the possibility of tornadoes forming with these strong cell thunderstorms as well. 
The whole system in the south US is heading northeast --- this means be alert in Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and possibly even West Virginia, Ohio, and Virginia.
New England states will see strong cell thunderstorms.... Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington DC.
Next systems forming off the West coast of the US --- Currently a large low pressure system coming in from the Northwest -- an arm of the system breaking off over Washington State and Oregon... will come over the north western states of Idaho, Montana, and south Canada (british columbia)... 
Eventually the storm will form its own counter clockwise rotating low pressure system somewhere in the North to midwest USA. 
This usually means... Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin --- at some point in the next several days (after the system forms fully across the western states) ... will be seeing damaging winds, hail, and possible tornadoes.
Further south... off the coast of Baja Mexico down to the south in the tropics... we see a low pressure system far out in the mid-pacific .. blocking the tropical flow and turning portions of the warm moist equatorial air flow north EAST towards Mexico and the SW USA. 
We may even see an additional tropical storm or hurricane develop (like Hurricane Bud this previous week)... if it forms, it will form further south than T.S. "Bud"s origin point.
Also watch the central midwest states of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio.... when the storm to the northwest fully forms, and mixes with the southern flow from the tropics... the midwest might be in position for another serious outbreak.
Use the links here to monitor severe weather: