Thursday, December 10, 2009 - Center For Research on Globalization | Headlines - December 10, 2009

Indian Report: FBI Believes Elements in Pakistani Intelligence (ISI) involved in Mumbai bombings

Obama's Afghanistan Woes Recall LBJ's in Vietnam

Kucinich: Resolutions to End Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Nobel Laureate Barack Obama Rewarded for Decision to Escalate the U.S. War in Afghanistan
Open Letter from the Peace Movement to The Norwegian Nobel Committee.

"Catastrophic Global Warming", Ecological Brainwashing and World Government

VIDEO: Global Warming: "Cap and Trade" Will Not Work for Climate
Only Benefits the Financial Players

2009-2010: An Economic Crossroads

Obama's Big Sellout
The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders

Obama's Rejection Speech

Crisis of the European Monetary System: Showdown in Athens
The EU Debt Overhang

VIDEO: Climate Change - Has It Been Cancelled?
The Truth about Climate Change and Global Warming

VIDEO: Why is the USA in Afghanistan?

The Hypocrisy of Al-Demoqratia

Israel’s Notorious Hannibal Procedure
Army directive behind shooting of mental patient

The Great Carbon Con: Can offsetting really help to save the planet?

Is There Any Margin for Hypocrisy and Deceit?
- by Fidel Castro - 2009-12-10

Normalising the Crime of the Century

Carbon Capitalists Warming to Climate Market Using Derivatives

The Continuation and Escalation of the American War: Yeswecanistan

Political Linguistics in America
The American Kleptocratic "Necrocracy": A "Democracy" that Kills

Copenhagen and Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change

War in the Congo
Belgian Paratroopers to Crush Rising Congo Rebellion?

Obama's War Speech: The Questions It Raises… And The Answer That Must Be Given

End the Fed? Or End the Market Economy?