Thursday, December 10, 2009

Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | December 10, 2009

Joyce Riley was a Flight Nurse & Cardiovascular Heart Transplant Nurse - her radio program is always good and very informative. Check out archives if you can't listen when she comes on a 7am:
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Winter pet safety -- Winter storms don't just affect you -- they also affect your pets. And your pets depend on you for their safety. There are many ways to be "Pet Prepared," but you must think ahead and start planning NOW.

U.S. Homeowners Lost $5.9 Trillion Since 2006 Peak (Update1) -- Almost half a trillion dollars was wiped out this year through November as housing headed for a third straight annual decline. New foreclosures and higher mortgage rates in 2010 may hinder a rebound, the property data service said today in a statement. “A phenomenal amount of wealth has been erased since the housing bust,” Stan Humphries, chief economist for Seattle- based Zillow, said yesterday in an interview. “For many households, most of their wealth is tied up in real estate.” Check out the website - It will give you an honest assessment of the state of this economy.

Brussels gives CIA the power to search UK bank records -- This weekend civil liberties groups and privacy campaigners said the surveillance programme, introduced as an emergency measure in 2001, was being imposed on Britain without a proper debate. Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, said: “The massive scope for transferring personal information from Europe to the United States is extremely worrying, especially in the absence of public debate or parliamentary scrutiny either at EU or domestic level. “No one is saying that allies should not co-operate, but where is the privacy protection? Where are the judicial safeguards in such a sweeping scheme? “This looks like yet another example of lopsided post-9/11 compromise and of the ease with which temporary emergency measures are foisted on us permanently.”

The Quiet Coup -- But I must tell you, to IMF officials, all of these crises looked depressingly similar. Each country, of course, needed a loan, but more than that, each needed to make big changes so that the loan could really work. Almost always, countries in crisis need to learn to live within their means after a period of excess—exports must be increased, and imports cut—and the goal is to do this without the most horrible of recessions. Naturally, the fund’s economists spend time figuring out the policies—budget, money supply, and the like—that make sense in this context. Yet the economic solution is seldom very hard to work out. No, the real concern of the fund’s senior staff, and the biggest obstacle to recovery, is almost invariably the politics of countries in crisis.

Doesn't our Congress have anything better to do that pass a college football playoff bill? -- A House subcommittee approved legislation Wednesday aimed at forcing college football to switch to a playoff system to determine its national champion, over the objections of some lawmakers who said Congress has meatier targets to tackle.

Patients choose alternative therapies when given more personal responsibility by doctors -- The December issue of Arthritis Care & Research contains a study showing that, when given the option to choose an alternate treatment, patients are more likely to refuse high-risk treatments recommended to them and pursue something else. Patients are more willing to take personal responsibility in making important medical decisions when their doctors give them the opportunity to consider other options.

Virginia veteran wins fight to keep flagpole in his front yard -- RICHMOND, Va. — A 90-year-old Medal of Honor recipient can keep his 21-foot flagpole in his front yard after a homeowner's association dropped its request to remove it, a spokesman for Democratic Virginia Sen. Mark Warner said Tuesday.

Bayer admits GMO contamination is out of control -- EXTRACT: Bayer has admitted it has been unable to control the spread of its genetically-engineered organisms despite 'the best practices [to stop contamination]'(1). It shows that all outdoors field trials or commercial growing of GE crops must be stopped before our crops are irreversibly contaminated.

Cancer profiteering: new drug costs $30,000 a month -- A new cancer treatment drug called Folotyn, made by a small drug company named Allos Therapeutics. It costs $30,000 a month. But here's the best part: Folotyn has never been proven to save lives.

Why does the FBI need 20mm rifles? -- According to this website, the FBI is spending about $13,000 apiece on two MagFed 20mm rifles. You read that right; not “.20-caliber” but “20mm.” We’re talking serious firepower here.

22 stories underground: Iron Mountain's experimental room 48 -- Among dozens of red steel doors inserted in the rock face along corridors that create an elaborate subterranean honeycomb, you'll find Room 48, an experiment in data center energy efficiency. Open for just six months, the room is used by Iron Mountain to discover the best way to use geothermal conditions and engineering designs to establish the perfect environment for electronic documents.

Only 10 days into December and look at all of the layoffs, closings & bankruptcies -- Who says the economy is improving?

American Dream 2: default , then rent -- Thanks to a rare confluence of factors -- mortgages that far exceed home values and bargain-basement rents -- a growing number of families are concluding that the new American dream home is a rental.

Want to cut cancer risk? Try munching on pistachios -- Benefit comes from a particular type of vitamin E in the nuts, expert says.

Novartis Is Celebrating - Should We? -- By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

HHS modifies it's approach to second generation anthrax vaccine -- “Following a thorough evaluation of proposals, we determined that awarding Project BioShield acquisition contracts at this time would have placed undue risk of failure on potential contractors and the federal government.”

Homeland security embarks on Big Brother programs to read our minds & emotions

Hemp protein: eat the nutrients -- Researchers claim that if no other food is consumed, hemp seeds could sustain a human life for a few months without causing nutrient deficiency problems. In fact, hemp protein was used in Europe during tuberculosis outbreaks to reverse the wasting away caused by the disease.

When toy guns are outlawed only outlaws will have toy guns -- Speaker Christine C Quinn, together with Council Member Al Vann, today announced legislation that would increase penalties for selling a toy gun by 500 percent. The legislation would also enhance the Department of Consumer Affairs’ enforcement ability and allow the agency to shut stores that are repeat offenders of the law. Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) Commissioner Jonathan Mintz and Criminal Justice Coordinator John Feinblatt joined the Speaker and Council Members at the announcement. The officials also announced a new citywide public awareness campaign about the dangers of toy guns that look real and real guns that look like toys. Hmmmm...

The climate change propaganda machine

Holdren's guru: Dispose of 'excess children' like puppies -- Science chief acknowledges Brown as inspiration for career in ecology.

Mystery as spiral blue light display hovers above Norway -- What's blue and white, squiggly and suddenly appears in the sky?
* Could this be Project Blue Beam?(video)

Neglected crops in Copenhagen -- There is a strong scientific consensus that altered growing conditions caused by climate change--such as increases in heat, drought, plant pests and disease--are going to damage food production rapidly and profoundly. The destabilizing effects on our food supply will be so far reaching that they are destined to disrupt, among other things, all of the carefully laid climate mitigation and adaptation measures it is hoped will emerge from Copenhagen.

Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after Danish text leak -- The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change negotiations.

Winter's here, yet Illinois corn harvest drags on -- Across much of the Corn Belt, a wet spring kept farmers from planting on time or in some cases forced them to replant washed-out crops. The season was followed by a cool, damp summer that slowed crop development. A rainy fall kept farmers out of their fields and prevented corn from quickly drying out. Corn must be dry before it is used for animal feed, corn syrup or other products. Elevators penalize farmers if they bring in corn with high moisture content.

Corruption is destroying the soul of America warns FBI agent -- One of the FBI's top agents warned yesterday that corruption in the US was increasing and tearing at the fabric of society.

Obama quietly backs Patriot Act provisions -- With the health care debate preoccupying the mainstream media, it has gone virtually unreported that the Barack Obama administration is quietly supporting renewal of provisions of the George W. Bush-era USA Patriot Act that civil libertarians say infringe on basic freedoms.

Oklahoma could keep an eye on uninsured motorists -- Plan to record bar codes on license tags raises lawmaker’s cry of ‘Big Brother’

Ron Paul Poised to finally pass fed audits -- For first time in nine tries, amendment goes to House floor.

Undocumented volcano contributed to extremely cold decade 1810-1819 -- South Dakota State University researchers and their colleagues elsewhere in America and in France have found compelling evidence of a previously undocumented large volcanic eruption that occurred exactly 200 years ago, in 1809. The discovery helps explain the record cold decade from 1810-1819.


Sodium bicarbonate - scary stuff! Actually, no, it is simple, common baking soda and Dr. Sircus will be on to talk about the benefits of baking soda especially pertaining to this flu season. The benefits everyone needs to know!!

Author of numerous books on the benefits of coconut, Dr Bruce Fife will be on today to talk about the nutritional aspects of coconut and related products.
Books by Bruce Fife N.D.:"The Detox Book", Coconut Cures, Cooking with Coconut Flour, Eat Fat Look Thin, Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil, Health Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation and Oil Pulling Therapy: Detoxifying and Healing the Body Through Oral Cleansing All available online "24/7" at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 5 Central Time.

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ADAM LOCK discusses clean water for Christmas. Guest appearance - Debbie Morrow will discuss purified water for your family and friends.
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