Thursday, January 7, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - January 7, 2010

Are AIDS / HIV tests a hoax? Documentary footage features conversations with Drs. Niel Constantine and Robin Weiss
(NaturalNews) Brent Leung's myth-shattering AIDS documentary, House of Numbers continues to roil conventional AIDS propagandists who cannot tolerate anyone questioning their "scientific" theories. (They're not exactly "scientific" if they can't...

Carotenoids in veggies and fruits improve eyesight and prevent eye diseases
(NaturalNews) Countless moms have told their children to eat their veggies -- especially carrots -- in order to help their eyesight. It turns out that "old wives' tale" is actually sound science. According to a study just published in the Journal...

Common Pain Drug Accelerates Growth of Cancer Tumors
(NaturalNews) Two recent studies analyzing the side effects of morphine have revealed that the chronic pain drug and other opiate-based pain drugs contribute to the growth and spread of cancer cells. Dr. Patrick Singleton, Ph.D., author of the studies...

Number of UK Children Put on Obesity Drugs Soars 1500 Percent in Seven Years
(NaturalNews) The number of children in the United Kingdom taking weight drugs increased by 15 times between 1999 and 2006, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University College London and published in the British...

Doctors Need to Become Healers, Part I (Opinion)
There should be deep concern and appall at the alarmingly poor state of health of the American people. American medical doctors have utterly failed the American people, their trusting patients. Were doctors to become true healers instead...

Natural Solutions for Pet Skin and Flea Problems
Many pets are infested with fleas and ticks or have skin problems that can be difficult to treat. Conventional cures include the use of chemical based shampoos and flea repellents which can be toxic. Coat and skin problems can also be exacerbated...

Benefits of Beet Juice Exceed Expectations
The health benefits of beet juice aren`t well known, but they are profound. Beet juice is best known as a blood purifier and blood builder that helps in the creation of red blood cells. Russian longevity researcher, Mikhail Tombak, Ph.D....

Physical Activity Offers Hope for Fatigue and Depression
Published online November 30th 2009, in advance of the print edition of Psychosomatic Medicine, a new study by Dr. Edward McAuley, Professor of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois in Champaign, has found that

Clarification on the New Year's Product Discount Guide and Health Ranger endorsements
(NaturalNews) There has been some chatter about our 2010 New Year's Product Discount Guide ( that deserves clarification. Some readers have inadvertently leaped to the incorrect conclusion...

Dr. Len Horowitz joins NaturalNews Talk Hour for a discussion about "The Real Da Vinci Code"
(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features the "King David of Natural Healing" - Dr. Lenoard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M, D.M.M., discussing "The Real Da Vinci Code". Discover the secrets to optimal health, longevity and your human...

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