Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - May 12, 2010

Presidential cancer advisors find courage to warn about environmental risks of cancer chemicals
(NaturalNews) When a government panel of experts finds the courage to tell the truth about cancer, it's an event so rare that it becomes newsworthy. Late last week, a report from the President's Cancer Panel (PCP) broke ranks with the sick-care cancer...

Terminal cancer patients spend final days suffering from radiation therapy that does nothing
(NaturalNews) A new analysis just published in the journal Cancer concludes that a significant proportion of terminally ill cancer patients spend most of their final days and weeks subjected to grueling radiation therapy (radiotherapy). What...

Curcumin and black pepper combine to stop breast cancer tumor cells
(NaturalNews) Natural chemicals found in the spices turmeric and black pepper appear to stop the growth of breast tumors, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center and published in the journal...

Children's temper tantrums to be reclassified as disorders
(NaturalNews) Proposed changes to the U.S. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) could include reclassifying childhood temper tantrums, teenage angst, and binge eating as psychiatric disorders. If accepted, the proposals could equal billions of dollars...

CVS selling expired products
(NaturalNews) CVS stores are becoming notorious for leaving expired food and drug products on their shelves, a practice some critics claim is deliberate and widespread. The drug store's parent company, CVS Caremark Corp., recently agreed to pay...

Manage Diabetes through Healthy Food Choices such as Fenugreek and Bitter Gourd
After a lifetime of poor nutrition and dietary choices, it may be difficult for diabetics to change to a healthy diet. Many may feel like they simply cannot give up fast foods, junk food, cookies, sugary cakes and ice-cream. Yet, there may...

More Reasons to Avoid Fast Food at All Costs (Opinion)
Most people are aware of the many health issues associated with the regular consumption of fast food. It's now common knowledge that the meats at such restaurants are some of the poorest quality and are unfit for human consumption. This apparently...

Find the Location of True Happiness (Opinion)
Since the earliest of recollections, happiness is the most sought after thing in our lives. Where do we find "true" happiness? Do we find it in alcohol or drugs or sex? Granted they may offer a temporary, superficial pleasure or happiness...

Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food
(NaturalNews) The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), an organization whose mission includes "defending the rights and broadening the freedoms of family farms and protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient dense foods", recently filed...

Influenza vaccine sends children into convulsions
(NaturalNews) Influenza vaccines have sent 57 children into life-threatening convulsions, reports The Age out of Australia. These influenza vaccines were being give to children under five to "protect" them from seasonal flu, but after receiving...

New research: vitamin K protects against non-Hodgkin lymphoma
(NaturalNews) Non-Hodgkin lymphomas belong to a large group of immune system cancers involving lymphocytes (white blood cells). In 2009, according the National Cancer Institute (NCI) about 65,980 Americans were diagnosed with this form of cancer and almost...

Call for ban on BPA chemical in baby bottles
(NaturalNews) Seven leading scientists have sent a letter to the United Kingdom's Health Secretary, Andy Burnham, urging him to ban the use of the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) in products intended for use in feeding infants. "We...

Resignation of top Pharma lobbyist reveals deep corruption of health care reform process
(NaturalNews) The President and CEO of Pharma Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), Billy Tauzin, recently announced that he will be resigning from the organization on June 30, 2010. The organization, which represents top drug companies...

Companies are looking at ways to reduce their toxic chemical footprints
(NaturalNews) A number of companies have begun exploring ways to reduce their toxic chemical footprints as a way to protect corporate profits, according to Richard A. Liroff of the Investor Environmental Health Network (IEHN). The IEHN is composed...

Eat Best Foods to Promote Hair Growth
Shiny, healthy and abundant hair is of great value to people. When hair starts thinning or falling out, it can cause panic, distress and anxiety for the individuals concerned. Many cures are put forward by the hair industry, yet dietary deficiencies...

Use Noni for Pain Relief
Noni, also known as Morinda citrifolia, is a fruit that has been consumed for thousands of years and can be found in various parts of the world, but it is most well known today as the Polynesian superfood from Hawaii and Tahiti. It...

How Stress Impairs Digestion and How to Fix It
We often think of digestion in terms of the food we eat. And while the quality of our food is an important aspect of digestive health, the effect of stress on digestion should not be underestimated. All the raw foods, enzymes and herbal bitters...

Presidential cancer advisors find courage to warn about environmental risks of cancer chemicals
(NaturalNews) When a government panel of experts finds the courage to tell the truth about cancer, it's an event so rare that it becomes newsworthy. Late last week, a report from the President's Cancer Panel (PCP) broke ranks with the sick-care cancer...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(selected by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)
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