Friday, May 14, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - May 14, 2010

Do healing foods work better than Big Pharma's drugs? The results speak for themselves
(NaturalNews) The drug industry is constantly trying to convince you that drugs are good for your health while nutritional supplements and healthy foods are somehow bad for you. This same line of nonsense is also repeated by the FDA, which goes out of...

Drug Stores vs. Health Food Stores (comic)
(NaturalNews) The drug industry is constantly trying to convince you that drugs are good for your health while nutritional supplements and healthy foods are somehow bad for you. This same line of nonsense is also repeated by the FDA, which goes out of...

Are honey bees being killed off by chemically coated crop seeds?
(NaturalNews) A class of insecticide that is applied to seeds and taken up into plant tissue may be responsible for much of the widespread decline in honeybee populations, increasing numbers of researchers and environmentalists are suggesting. Starting...

1,200 patients killed in hospital, abused by staff, lying in filth
(NaturalNews) A huge U.K. health care scandal recently shocked the public with reports that up to 1,200 patients in a British hospital needlessly died from abuse and neglect. And the worst part is that not a single worker involved has been prosecuted...

Vitamin D deficiency finally being recognized as increasingly common
(NaturalNews) Doctors are becoming increasingly concerned about growing rates of vitamin D deficiency, leading many of them to recommend that people get more sun or even take supplements. Vitamin D has long been known to play an important role in bone...

Pasteurized Milk, Part III: The War on Raw Milk Rages
Part I covered the deadliness of pasteurization and Part II covered the liveliness of raw milk. Part III will cover a bit about the war on raw milk consumption. Until recently, the FDA and the USDA sent their goons in to directly confiscate...

Natural Remedies Treat Dandruff
Take the time to read the ingredients on a bottle of anti-dandruff shampoo. These shampoos usually contain harmful chemical substances that can have damaging effects on health. Instead, alleviate dandruff naturally by using herbs, essential...

Be Your Own Doctor, Part I (Opinion)
Regarding health, you are your own worst enemy. There are no miracle cures. There are no pills that will make you well overnight. Good health takes discipline. To be your own doctor you do not have to go to medical school. You just have to...

Maca is the ancient superfood of the Incas
(NaturalNews) Superfood enthusiasts know all about the incredible nutritional powers of maca. This superfood, grown in the high Andes mountains in Peru, is packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, tannins, complex alkaloids and other phytochemicals...

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