Monday, June 7, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - June 7, 2010

Antidepressants during pregnancy cause alarming 68 percent increased risk of miscarriage
(NaturalNews) Back in 2005, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that exposure to the antidepressant paroxetine (sold as Paxil, Paxil CR, and Pexeva) in the first trimester of pregnancy might increase the risk for birth defects, especially heart...

Hospital tried to silence whistleblower; up to 1,000 patients may have died from negligence
(NaturalNews) A hospital trust where conditions were so bad that more than 1,000 patients may have died due to negligence actively tried to stop employees from raising concerns about patient safety, according to an inquiry conducted by the British Health...

Palm fruit oil is the richest source of tocotrienols, the other half of the vitamin E equation
(NaturalNews) Many people are already aware of the fact that vitamin E helps to rid the body of free radicals and protect it from cancer, cardiovascular disease, heart disease and other serious illness. However there are two forms of vitamin E that each...

Baby boomers still love to get high, now using prescription meds
(NaturalNews) Nearly one in 20 U.S. residents above the age of 50 regularly abuses drugs, according to a report issued by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. "This new data has profound implications...

Heal and Soothe Burns and Prevent Scarring with Natural Home Remedies
When most people think of burns, fire and heat usually come to mind. While it is true that heat is the leading cause of tissue damage known as "burns", such damage can also be caused by sunburn and other radiation, friction, electricity,...

Mucuna Pruriens Shows Promise with Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson`s disease is a devastating illness that generally afflicts people when they have reached their golden years, only to be robbed of enjoying them. A practice of medicine with thousands of years of successfully treating illnesses may...

Use Rain Water Barrels in Green Home Design for Water Harvest
Rain water collection is an easy way to encourage earth-friendly habits by incorporating green home design into any existing dwelling. Rain storage allows the homeowner to save money by recycling rainwater for use in the garden, filling a...

WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers
(NaturalNews) A stunning new report reveals that top scientists who convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare H1N1 a global pandemic held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines. This report...

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