Friday, June 11, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - June 11, 2010

Toxic Corexit dispersant chemicals remained secret as feds colluded with Big Business
(NaturalNews) After weeks of silence on the issue, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally decided to go public with the list of ingredients used to manufacture Corexit, the chemical dispersant used by BP in the Gulf of Mexico oil...

Swedish girl grows her face back after side effect caused her face to fall off
(NaturalNews) Four years after a rare drug reaction caused her face to turn black and fall off, 19-year-old Eva Uhlin has beaten the odds and made a nearly full recovery. In September 2005, Uhlin took a capsule of acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol...

Top organic gluten-free snacks
(NaturalNews) Good-tasting, wheat-free crackers, breads and cookies are hard to come by. Sure, there is an ever-growing amount of gluten-free products available, but many of these products have an unpleasant taste and texture that turns people off to...

America infects the world with its false beliefs about mental illness
(NaturalNews) U.S. ideas of mental illness are spreading around the world, leading to an actual change in the kinds of mental disorders experienced in other cultures. In contrast to the view held by modern psychiatry, the forms of madness have varied...

How to Use Organic Neem Leaf for Flea and Tick Control for Cats
Using organic neem leaf tea is an effective method for managing flea and tick control in cats. Commercial pesticides may be toxic or too strong for delicate feline systems causing a wide constellation of problems including liver toxicity...

Use Do-It-Yourself Tips for Natural Backyard Mosquito Control Systems
Summertime means time for those pesky, disease-bearing mosquitoes and a fresh approach to getting a handle on natural mosquito control systems. Yes, systems, because it takes more than one earth-friendly method to manage mosquitoes and keep...

Protein Powders and Drinks Contain High Amounts of Heavy Metals
Many common brands of protein powders and protein drinks contain high levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury according to the most recent issue of Consumer Reports magazine. All fifteen different powders and drinks tested contained...

New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes (type-3)
(NaturalNews) Most people are familiar with type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a third type of diabetes? Type-3 diabetes, as they are calling it, affects people who are extra sensitive to electrical devices...

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