Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Clif High on Rumor Mill News Radio (partial interview) and summary - posted date: Sat, 16 May 2009

Rayelen Allen interviewed Clif High about Web Bots on RMN Rayedio May 15: Some highpoints

Clif introduced the web bot concept by explaining that language conveys emotional content as well as factual information. Thus, his web bots were launched when it was realized that stock market decisions were premised in emotional behaviors rather than realistic assessment of factual information. Clif identifies emotionally driven actions as prompted by monkey mind, rather than rational decision-making.

The bots "predicted" 9-11, although the terrorism angle was missed, because Clif had not yet reached the "T's" in the building of his lexicon and the bots could only identify the event as an "accident" connected with the "military" and as was an event which would change us. This summer marks 10 years of bot lexicon, which by now is in need of maintenance work. Half Past Human folks will thus be taking a break in order to overhaul the lexicon and change the search design some to provide more economical reporting.

Economically, the summer will see a continuation of the present; between July 15 and Aug. 15 the derivatives bubble will collapse, followed by the bailout bubble in the fall, after which we may see the dollar collapse-- usable inside the USofA but not viable on the international scene. Meanwhile, the physical universe will get harsher than it already is, with escalation of weather oddities and and crop failures -- which go beyond 2012. Economic pressures will strain the power structure, producing resource wars. It is time to concentrate on one's own needs: produce food locally, for self and family.

Clif then elaborated on monkey mind as one's internal dialogue. He recommended practicing a discipline to open oneself to Universe. He explained that there exists a whole neuronal structure in the intestines, which is where fear lives. Monkey mind articulates the fear in the gut. "Gut-wrenching" is a phenomenon common to all mammals. It is therefore regarded as an archetype and the bots will seek words which describe "gut" reactions, rather than seek the word "fear." This approach is how the bots pick up on really big fears.

A backlash against TPTB is showing up in the data. Clif's monkey mind assesses the form the backlash will take as most likely affecting the media. There are three "control arms" which could take the brunt of the backlash: military; economic/legal; and propaganda. Media, as the propaganda arm, is the weakest point and is thus the probable target of the populus. The MSM will suffer some kind of setback.

After the fall equinox, the PTB will start reacting to the deeds of people and YouTube will suffer.

Emotionally active words have clustered around the concept of "undeniability." A Pollyanna attitude will no longer work; active denial fails -- eg., as weather worsens, global warming cannot be denied -- and a worldwide paradigm shift will take place. Because some people get the picture sooner than others and millions are necessarily involved in this shift, it will take some time for the undeniability process to be completed. Problems which have been ignored can no longer be ignored. Although there is no definitive bot info about the Internet, most likely physical universe via electrical shutdowns or wildfires which disrupt electrical connections will cause disruption.

Individuals are not important: Obama merely began a new wave but he does not create the wave. Bush was merely the end of a wave and change was due to happen regardless. The whole Solar System is in a state of expansion; there are changes now that affect all the planets. There are intrusions and oddities affecting the entire system, which is due to a repetitive EM/gravitational process.

Clif assesses this process as one of our passage through a magnetic rim around the Milky Way, which the Mayans identified as 20 years wide. In other words, the solar system passes upwarde through this rim and then down through it. The entire cycle takes 18,700 years. There is no astrological alignment to Dec. 21, 2012, but the date is a midpoint marker in our journey of passing through the magnetic rim. Global warming is the result of the passage. Clif has corroborated these findings with the Russians. The date also marks an alignment with the Hunab-Ku, which for the Maya represented "the unimaginable consciousness at the center of the galaxy." It is marked by dark matter at the side of the Milky Way. [ed note: I hope I've got that approximately correct!] This is a time of maximum pressure from outside the solar system, which we've been involved with since 1940's. It will be finished in 2031-32.

What's on the other side? Clif pleads ignorance. He says a Spanish priest in 1600 said that drought and infertility for humans, plants and animals -- will plague us; there will be 5 days of "no sun." The no-sun model has been interpreted as a 5-day eclipse, but Clif thinks it is more likely that there will be five days of zero magnetism. There will be "unknown energies from space." Hopefully, it will be the end of an age, but not the end of the world.

Clif then identified the information as coming from the Narmer Plate, which is 19,000 years old. He recommends research on this artifact because it can provide more information about the cycle. (Try googling Narmer or Narma Plate.)

The present is a time of extremes and oscillations, in weather, in earth changes and in DNA: species are already going extinct; monsters are appearing. The earth is being squeezed by the rim. The squeezing action will increase volcanism and earthquake activity. There may be crustal shift as well as magnetic polar shift. Clif claims there is a possibility that the Solar System was once a part of Sagittarius B and thinks that at some point we will become part of the Milky Way, whereupon we will no longer be required to endure the magnetic rim experience. In the meantime, there is no escape from it: forget about flight into space; NASA already knows that food cannot be grown in space and we would eat only what we can carry. Going underground isn't much of an answer, either: menstruation stops after 30 days without sunlight and fertility ceases.

He suggested locating Maurice Cotterel's You Tube videos for more information about the sun's effect on fertility and our ability to grow food. The bots predict a 70 percent reduction in food productivity. Already artificial insemination of food animals is failing. An effort must be made to grow our own food, even if we have to hand pollinate plants. He asserts that It is not necessary to move to a farm. Urban communities have already begun to use vacant buildings and vacant lots to grow food. There are vegetables that will do OK in low level light conditions. Endive is one and it is nutritious.

The energy grid most likely will go down. We have not attended to the electrical infrastructure in decades. We don't even know how to build a transformer anymore. Solar flares will destroy satellites; government is preparing for the eventuality now.

At the same time, a countervailing trend is in evidence -- there are unknowns which the bots place in the "space goat farts" category. These are unknowns that may create a future for us reminiscent of the world the Jetsons inhabited.

Finally, there was discussion about "who is in charge?" The consensus is that no president since JFK has had top security clearance. There are reportedly 27 levels of clearance above Obama. At the very top may be an alien presence. Clif cites as evidence of an exoplanetary influence the almost magical appearance of the transistor, which was not preceded by R&D but which came on the scene soon after the crash of "saucers" in the 1940's. There was discussion of vimanas, which have been around for eons waging air battles. Some say they still are.

Clif thinks that the CERN collider is "chasing unicorns" and ventures that it is for some purpose other than the stated one, and it is one which is probably not good for humanity. It may be connected to exploration of Vril (to power space vehicles).
Fortunately, humans are in reality layers of vibration and Universe will arrange the best possible outcome.

The interview concluded with a discussion of crop circles as communication. Clif's spin software, which can be downloaded free at, produces an almost meditative state for some; others experience improved sleep, they can lower anxiety and provide pain relief. Swirlies can be viewed at YouTube.


There was brief discussion of the role of Masons in government throughout American history, but Clif thought Masonry no longer really mattered.