Wednesday, June 10, 2009

THE POWER HOUR Team Network News | June 10, 2009

The next great crisis: America's debt -- Normally Paul Krugman, the liberal pundit and Nobel laureate in economics, and Paul Ryan, a conservative Republican congressman from Wisconsin, share little in common except their first names and a scorching passion for views they champion from opposite political poles. So when the two combatants agree on a fundamental threat to the U.S. economy, Americans should heed this alarm as the real thing.

Are Banks Lying…or Just Hiding the Truth? -- Quantitative easing is Santa Claus for adults. Do you still believe in Santa? The Chinese certainly don't. Every day the Chinese announce some new initiative to reduce or eliminate exposure to dollars - both now and forever more.

Mikhail Gorbachev calls for new American Revolution -- Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union’s last communist general secretary, called for a new American “revolution” — also calling it a “perestroika,” or government restructuring — in an editorial published Wednesday in The Sydney Morning Herald.

Latest swine flu update from CDC -- This is a Map: Weekly Influenza Activity Estimates, Including Novel H1N1 Flu.

Swine flu spreads to 73 countries -- Swine flu has now spread to 73 countries with 25,288 people known to have been infected since the disease was first uncovered in April, data from the World Health Organization showed Monday.

Australia flu may tip pandemic -- A sharp increase in swine flu cases in Australia may mean the infection has become a pandemic, the World Health Organization says.

WHO on verge of declaring H1N1 pandemic -- The World Health Organization (WHO) is on the verge of declaring the first influenza pandemic in more than 40 years, but wants to ensure countries are well prepared to prevent a panic, its top flu expert said on Tuesday.

GOP lawmakers to Fed-stop printing money -- Some GOP lawmakers want Uncle Sam to stop printing money — fresh U.S. dollars being used to buy down the ever-burgeoning U.S. debt, according to a Fox News report.

USA Patriot Act defines Chemotherapy pushers & CPS agressors as terrorists -- In observing the outrageous acts of doctors who have turned 13-year-old Daniel Hauser and his mom into "fugitives from the law" over their refusal to submit to toxic chemotherapy treatments, I began to wonder whether existing U.S. law covers the crimes being committed against the Hauser family. It turns out the U.S. PATRIOT ACT already defines these cancer doctors and Child Protective Services zealots as "terrorists."

Broadcasters lose in court over low power FM radio -- Supporters of low-power FM (LPFM) radio won a victory on Friday when a federal appeals court rejected a lawsuit to stop the Federal Communications Commissions from protecting LPFM stations from full power station signal interference.

YouTube: Military contract given for GMO blood -- Take a look!!

Watching TV before going to bed can cause chronic health problems -- Watching TV before you go to bed gives you a bad night's sleep and can lead to chronic health problems, scientists have claimed.

Federal judge dissolve spying limits for Chicago police -- A federal judge has dissolved decades-old legal restrictions placed on Chicago police because of their infamous Red Squad.

Arizona makes it easier to impose DUI on non-drivers -- Arizona Supreme Court rules that showing the potential to drive while drunk is sufficient for a DUI conviction.

Florida fisherman hooks US missile in Gulf waters -- The military says a commercial fisherman reeled in an Air Force missile in the Gulf of Mexico. A military bomb squad met him at the shore in Florida to remove sensitive technology from the projectile and dispose of it.

Agriculture department reopens comments perios on Genetically engineered ethanol corn -- Scientists are concerned it will contaminate the food supply.

Brazil extreme weather..48 dead, 400,000 homeless -- Weather ravages Brazil.

Global mind control tyranny -- A new world religion is being invented to force on everybody. It’s a mishmash of legitimate religious movements, new age psychobabble and a sprinkling of so-called traditional ideologies. We are all supposed to be drawn in to be controlled by a small group of cult leaders.

Chlorophyll in wheatgrass proven to fight cancer -- Wheatgrass is an amazingly nutrient dense food. Dr. Earp-Thomas once said that, "15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth." Wheatgrass contains no less than thirteen vitamins and all 20 essential amino acids. It also contains chlorophyll which has some proven health and anti-cancer properties.

Federal subpoena seeks names & lots more of web posters -- This is a little over two years old, but it describes the “full pipe” surveillance that federal law enforcement is doing.

Do You Know About the Narcotic Effects of Nutmeg? -- Humanity has used nutmeg as a medicine, narcotic, aphrodisiac, dream enhancer and inebriant. Nutmeg has been used to treat rheumatism in Indonesia, Malaysia, England, and China. The essential oil is used externally to treat rheumatic pains, limb pains, general aches, and inflammation. In England, far into the twentieth century, a nutmeg was simply carried in one's pocket to ward off the pains of rheumatism (Rudgley 1998).

At Issue: Amazon Chernobyl -- "I don’t know how many of you have been following what some environmentalists are calling Amazon Chernobyl, but one word keeps reverberating in my head — ridiculous. Maybe even unbelievable. Actually, I could probably go as far as audacious."

I, Thomas Paine 200 years hence

Champions of EU progress stopped dead in their tracks -- The morning after the night before, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen was either defiant or in denial. The veteran Danish centre- leftist and former prime minister heads the PES, or Party of European Socialists, that groups all the mainstream social democratic movements of the EU. To those who announce a profound crisis in European socialism", he declared yesterday, "I say no."