Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Phony federal drug war has taken its toll on people and nations all over the globe

WEDNESDAY - JUNE 10 - SPECIAL Power Hour Investigative FEATURE:

Investigative Editor DON HARKINS has uncovered (yet another) massive fraud that centers on jurisdiction, illegal arresting, seizing and imprisoning citizens of our society. Anticipated appearance of Federal inmate DUANE OLSON, one of an estimated 125,000 lawlessly imprisoned federal drug war prisoners, hopes to join Don to detail how THERE IS NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY in this illegally declared federal "war" on drugs; plus, a list of unjust damage that has been done to our nation since the feds illegally declared "war on drugs" - - - this includes:

• Hundreds of thousands of lives ruined and families destroyed along the way
• $billions spent buying weapons for the war, provisioning courts, paying government attorneys and building POW camps called "federal correctional institutions"
• $billions in assets seized
• $billions paid to defense attorneys who lose about 98 percent of federal drug war criminal trials
• The dramatic escalation in the exercise of federal police power
• The rise of unchecked tyranny in federal courts
• Thirty years of congressional lawmaking in violation of constitutional limitations and state sovereignty
• The fostering of a belief in younger generations that there are no limits to federal law enforcement authority

And that is just here at home. The phony federal drug war has taken its toll on people and nations all over the globe because, when you get right down to it, global trafficking in drugs is a nearly $1 trillion-a-year industry that requires conspiratorial cooperation of international law enforcement, international banking and government officials. Blaming street dealers and end users for the drug problem in America is like blaming infantrymen for causing war.
Full Article:
Related Article: Obama's War on Drugs by Sherwood Ross