Wednesday, June 10, 2009 | INDIA - Prophesy - Coordinator, ex-Mansur Habibullah Memorial School

Astounding Prophesy ~ 2

As the countdown to doomsday continues, we
will experience more natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods and droughts, says Soham Saha

Our Planet Earth is one of the few in the Solar System to have optimum conditions to sustain life. The atmosphere, water and its distance from the sun are obvious reasons as to why evolution of life has taken place successfully on it. There is also the presence of a life saving radiation belt around the planet that effectively blocks dangerous radiation coming from the sun. The belts, known as the Van Allen radiation belts, owe their existence to the presence of the Magnetosphere, or region of space in which our planet’s magnetic field dominates that of the sun.
The solar wind, comprising a stream of electrically charged particles, exerts pressure on the magnetosphere, flowing outward from the sun. The solar wind compresses the magnetosphere on the side towards the sun. The magnetosphere’s boundary is called the magnetopause. It is analogous to the shock wave that builds up around the wing of a supersonic aircraft.
Solar wind particles tend to flow around the magnetopause, but some pass through it. These become trapped in regions called the Van Allen belts. This region extends from a few hundred kilometres above the Earth. For living organisms, the radiation has the general detrimental effects of ionizing radiation, so space missions are generally planned in such a way as to minimize exposure of the astronauts to the most intense regions of the radiation belts.
Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it’s supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the earth with lot of radiation energy. This activity is predicted to get worse. The long term effects could be the alteration of the radiation belts around the earth, resulting in the increasing number of skin cancers and other diseases.
The Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from nearly all of the sun’s radiation. Also the magnetic poles we entitle North and South have a nasty habit of exchanging places every 750,000 years or so. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart, roughly 20-30 kms each year, which points to a pole-shift right around the corner. While this is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, destroying everything in its course.
The magnetic poles change location with time, a phenomenon also known as polar wandering, and the direction of wandering has been observed to reverse. During geological history the polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field has sporadically reversed. It is a gradual process, and happens roughly every 500,000 years. Recent studies of remnant magnetism in rocks and of magnetic incongruity on the floors of the oceans have shown that the magnetic field of the Earth has reversed its polarity at least 170 times in the past 100 million years. Knowledge of these reversals, which can be dated from radioactive isotopes in the rocks, has had a great influence on theories of continental drift and the spreading of ocean floors.
Measurements of the secular variation show that the entire magnetic field has a tendency to drift westward at the rate of 19 to 24 kms (12 to 15 miles) per year. Clearly the magnetism of the Earth is the result of a dynamic rather than a passive condition, which would be the case if the iron core of the Earth consisted of a magnetized solid material. Iron does not retain a permanent magnetism at temperatures above 540° C and the temperature at the centre of the Earth may be as high as 6650° C. The dynamo theory suggests that the iron core is liquid (except at the very centre of the Earth, where the pressure solidifies the core), and that convection currents within the liquid core behave like individual wires in a dynamo, thus setting up a gigantic magnetic field. The solid inner core rotates more slowly than the outer core, thus accounting for the secular westward drift.
The spin rate of the Earth-Moon system is also affected when the Earth and Moon are closer to the Sun. The slower the spin rate, the stronger is the Earth’s magnetic field. While the detrimental pole shift is underway, the continental arrangement of the Earth undergoes radical changes, thereby providing necessary base for the Continental Drift Theory, and the Plate Tectonics. During this time collision between plates of the Earth are highly likely, causing massive earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and more importantly death of life.
As we continue the countdown to doomsday that’s predicted to occur in 2012, we will begin to experience a number of natural disasters and unprecedented weather events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, droughts and many other extraordinary life threatening natural events. These disasters will become increasingly more frequent and significantly more intense than any we have ever experienced. Along with the increased property damage and economic losses associated with these disasters, the loss of human life will increase exponentially.
In addition to natural disasters, mankind itself will initiate its own near destruction through the use of social, economic, chemical, biological and nuclear warfare.
Science has made reference to a number of possible devastating earthly events such as a Yellowstone super volcanic eruption that could take place in a matter of moments. Other dangers from the sky such as enormous asteroids, increased violent solar activity, emergence of Planet X or Nibiru, and the possible devastating effects of a planetary alignment have been documented and studied by scientists across the world.
All of these have been proven viable and relevant to the times in which we live. Any one of these events or a combination of many would bring unprecedented global destruction. Human life would dramatically be affected and millions, even billions will die. Although no one knows exactly what this coming catastrophe might bring, we can be sure that the outcome will be dire.
We need not look deeper to conclude that something very unusual and very unsettling is taking place all around the world. We are on the verge of facing the wrath of Nature, for we have dared to misuse it. Our social and moral values are on the decline. Our global system of socioeconomic stability is failing at an incredible rate. Our political systems have become increasingly more corrupt and self-serving. The very existence of life will be difficult but we can take consolation from the fact that Mother Nature will once again be sovereign in her ability to rectify what we have so shoddily taken for granted.
Coordinator, ex-Mansur Habibullah Memorial School