Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alex Jone's | Headlines - November 15, 2009

Major Hasan Of Fort Hood: A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live?
Webster G. Tarpley | Will the American public ever learn to see through and reject false flag operations?

Order Out of Chaos: CIA, Blackwater Responsible for Bombings, Assassinations in Pakistan
Kurt Nimmo | CIA bombing campaigns and assassinations create a situation requiring a continuation and expansion of the contrived global war on terror.

Leaked G20 Documents Shed Light on Global Carbon Tax
Corbett Report | The documents were snuck out of the conference by Daniel Estulin’s sources.

Equity fund boss: Unemployment at 20%, not 10%
Bloomberg | Leo Hindery is managing director of InterMedia Partners LP.

Gerald Celente — American public losing everything to fascist oligarchs
Dprogram | US economy is no longer capitalism, it’s oligarchies and fascism.

World gold supply running out
Telegraph | Total mine supply has dropped by 10pc as ore quality erodes, implying that the roaring bull market of the last eight years may have further to run.

World leaders back delay to final climate deal
Reuters | Obama and other world leaders Sunday supported delaying a legally binding climate pact until 2010 or even later.

Brown to Apologize for British Kidnapping of Thousands of Children
Telegraph | Kids sent to colonies by government ended up as slaves, abused, and neglected.

Croatian Priest Says Vaccine for Destruction of Humanity Worldwide
MINA | Controversy in Croatia after famous Croatian priest Miroslav Bustruk appealed to Croatians not to get vaccinated against the Swine flu vaccine.

DNA of protesters could be held for life
Anti-war protesters and train spotters arrested under anti-terror laws could have their DNA kept for life under Home Office plans.

Toronto Cops Conduct Door-to-door Search to Find Missing Girl
Toronto Sun | In what he called “an unprecedented move,” police have assigned 60 officers to conduct the intense door-to-door search.

Feds Propose Takeover of Subways, Light-rail Systems
Washington Post | Administration officials said the plan will be presented in coming weeks to Congress, which must approve a change in the law.

City surveillance: Crime deterrent or invasion of privacy?
KSL TV 5 | High-tech surveillance networks are providing police and government with the ability to monitor streets, parks and businesses like never before.

Fat mothers-to-be banned from giving birth at their local hospital
Mail Online | Pregnant women are to be barred from giving birth at their local hospital if midwives consider them to be too fat.

How ABC News’ Brian Ross Cooked His ‘Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda’ Scoop
Gawker | ABC News’ Brian Ross has a breathtaking record of recklessly inaccurate, overhyped stories that don’t live up to the headline.

Jehadi Déjà Vu: Hasan, 9/11 Muslims, and Strip Clubs
Corruption American Style | The story on Hasan and the Fort Hood massacre is cut from the same cloth as the story behind the 9-11 Muslim terrorists that was fed to the public following 9-11.

‘These people just want to be left alone’
Real News Network | In Afghaninstan the US soldiers are losing heart for a fight they feel their presence is only prolonging.

Million Hit by Plague Worse than Swine Flu
Sunday Express | A deadly plague could sweep across Europe, doctors fear, after an outbreak of a virus in Ukraine plunged the country and its neighbors into a state of panic.

H1N1: Fact or Fiction?
Barbara Loe Fisher | Last spring we suddenly found ourselves watching You Tube videos of people being quarantined in hotels and detained on airplanes by HazMat teams.
Empowering the Slave Class: Astounding Facts About Illegals
Infowars | Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

Task force seeks ban on assault weapons
Washington Post | A binational task force on U.S.-Mexico border issues will call Friday on the Obama administration and Congress to reinstate an expired ban on assault weapons.

White House to Begin Push on Immigration Overhaul in 2010
New York Times | Obama administration will insist on measures to give legal status to an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.

Largest Iraq bombing in two years may have been inside job
Raw Story | Sunday’s twin suicide bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 155 people and wounded 500 others may have had help from within Iraq’s security apparatus.

Baghdad bombings kill 130, wound hundreds
MarketWatch | A pair of bomb blasts in downtown Baghdad near two government buildings killed more than 130 people and wounded hundreds.

U.S. Moves to Seize Properties Tied to Iran
New York Times | Federal prosecutors began legal action to seize properties cross the country in a broad move against a nonprofit organization that was accused of illegally providing money and other services to Iran.

Israel Warns IDF Ready to Roll Against Iran
Arutz Sheva | Israel’s warnings that it will not tolerate an existential threat in the form of a nuclear Iran should be taken seriously, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon warned.

‘US using Iran as excuse to boost military budget’
Press TV | Iran’s army chief says by accusing the Islamic Republic of pursuing a military nuclear program the US government is seeking to escalate its military spending budget.

Army Sends Infant to Protective Services, Mom to Afghanistan
Dahr Jamail | A single mother is being threatened with a military court-martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan, despite having been told she would be granted extra time to find someone to care for son.

Security Worsens As Taliban Move Into Northern Afghanistan
Radio Free Europe | When Taliban fighters hijacked two NATO fuel tankers along the new northern supply route into Afghanistan earlier this month, they generated international headlines.

Thousands of guns U.S. sent to Afghanistan are missing
CNN | More than one-third of all weapons the United States has procured for Afghanistan’s government are missing, according to a government report.

300 Seat Airliner Crash Test will Prove Official 9/11 Story False
TruthAlliance | Airplane crashes have always proved to leave massive holes, fire, bodies and a twisted plane smashed across a large debris field.

Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 Truth & Corporate America
Infowars | In an exclusive interview with RT’s Marina Portnaya he says America’s bad decisions are covered up with lame excuses.

9/11’s delayed legacy: cancer for many of the rescue workers
Guardian | A spate of recent deaths of New York police and fire officers who took part in the emergency operation at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks has heightened fears that it could be the start of a delayed epidemic of cancer-related illness.

Constitutional Candidates for Congress
Thomas R. Eddlem | Ron Paul’s presidential campaign evidently inspired dozens of candidates for congressional office across the nation who seek to reform Congress from a constitutionalist perspective.

Detroit Council members carry guns for safety
Detroit News | None said they plan to bring their weapons to City Hall, where armed security officers are assigned to council meetings to protect them.

Kentucky Joins Movement to Resist Abuses of Commerce Clause, 2nd Amendment
Michael Boldin | In states around the country, there’s a growing movement to address and resist two of the most abused parts of the Constitution – the Commerce Clause and the 2nd Amendment.

More than half of the UK population doesn’t accept climate change is man-made
Mail Online | 51% agree it is a serious concern but remain unconvinced of the role humans play.

Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans
Richard Gale and Gary Null, Ph.D | “I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice.”

MPAA shuts down entire town’s muni WiFi over a single download
Cory Doctorow | The MPAA has successfully shut down an entire town’s municipal WiFi because a single user was found to be downloading a copyrighted movie.

Gore’s presentation on climate change draws 800 as 200 protestors gather outside
Palm Beach Post | Gore introduced as “president of the planet” when he delivered an environmental lecture in Boca Raton.

Genzyme Drugs Contaminated With Steel, Rubber
Bloomberg | Batches of Genzyme Corp.’s treatments for rare genetic disorders may be contaminated with steel fragments, non-latex rubber, and fiber-like materials from the manufacturing process

Oath Keepers Pegged as Hate Group in Montana
Independent Record | Ron Paul campaign group aslo characterized as outside the political mainstream.

Biotech Lobbyists Write Healthcare Statements for Lawmakers
New York Times | Statements by more than a dozen lawmakers were ghostwritten, in whole or in part, by Washington lobbyists working for Genentech.

Obama to Put Cap and Trade On Backburner?
Politico | Democratic lobbyist Steve Elmendorf says the White House focus on deficit reduction could easily kill the cap-and-trade effort.

Treasury Wants Donations to Pay Off National Debt
Reuters | Not sure what to give Uncle Sam this Christmas?

Photos of Protest Against Al Gore in Florida
Infowars | While Al Gore spewed his Global Warming lies in an outdoor arena we did our best to chant and educate on the TRUTH about the global warming scam!

Why Dobbs Quit CNN: Birthers, Politics
Newsmax | Lou Dobbs walked away from CNN — and $9 million — under pressure to tone down his rhetoric as the network seeks a more centrist position among the cable news channels.