Monday, November 16, 2009 | Today's Featured Stories - November 16, 2009

H1N1 "super flu" plague in Ukraine spark concern, conspiracy theories about origins
(NaturalNews) Here's what we know with some degree of certainty about the H1N1 virus in Ukraine right now: nearly 300 people have died from the viral strain, and over 65,000 people have been hospitalized (the actual numbers are increasing by the hour...

Farmers, Ranchers Fighting Back Against FDA Tyranny Over Animal Farms
(NaturalNews) A bill that would grant the FDA expanded authority to inspect farms has come under fire from ranchers and farmers concerned about increased government interference in their operations. In response to a recent series of food-borne illness...

November is Diabetes Awareness Month: Become Aware of the Warning Signs of Diabetes
Approximately 24 million people living in the United States have diabetes, but many of them don't know it. The reason they don't know it is because the symptoms of diabetes aren't unusual. For example, if they're feeling tired, it could easily...

You don't need your appendix, right? Wrong!
(NaturalNews) The appendix is a small, tube-like organ located in the lower right area of the abdomen and attached to the first part of the colon. Researchers have theorized this seemingly superfluous bit of our internal body is simply a remnant of the...

American Medical Association Urges Federal Government to Support Medicinal Marijuana
The nation's largest physician organization, the American Medical Association, has reversed its position on marijuana and now supports investigation and clinical research on the plant for medicinal use. The group urged the federal government...

Car parts made from hemp
(Natural News) PSA, the French manufacturer for Peugeot and Citroen, has recently initiated its Green Materials Plan. This plan intends to increase car parts made from natural materials 600 percent by 2015. They are making a few parts now that are based...

Why There is an Obesity Epidemic (Opinion)
The number of extremely obese adults has quadrupled since the 1980`s to about 4 million. That works out to about 1 in every 50 adults. The original theory was that extreme obesity was a rare condition; this has changed to the realization...

Hidden Secrets of Aloe Vera: Naturally Treat Acne and Many Other Skin Conditions
It has been proven that aloe vera can be used to treat acne, with improvements seen in as little as one week. Acne sufferers can see a remarkable improvement by simply breaking an aloe vera leaf and applying the watery gel to the acne lesions...

Whole Foods to Use "Non-GMO" Seal on Its Private-Label Products
(NaturalNews) Whole Foods Market has announced plans to have all of its store-brand products independently tested to certify that they are made without the use of any genetically modified organisms (GMOs). "Since there is no U.S. regulation regarding...

Hypnosis Brings Benefits during Pregnancy and Childbirth
Hypnosis has been used during childbirth for approximately 100 years. Many research studies have been conducted to study the effects of hypnosis on pregnancy and labor. Hypnosis has been used on women during labor to help reduce pain. Hypnosis...