Monday, January 11, 2010

Joyce Riley's The Power Hour News | January 11, 2010

Joyce Riley was a Flight Nurse & Cardiovascular Heart Transplant Nurse - her radio program is always good and very informative. Check out archives if you can't listen when she comes on a 7am:

Another Friday bank failure; first of 2010 -- Horizon Bank of Bellingham, Washington was the first U.S. bank failure of 2010.

Will the real underwear bomber please stand up? -- Take a look at these 2 photos on this website link. These are definitely two different human beings. Is there a more sinister meaning to this story or Was the young man in Photo 1 a baby-faced patsy coerced into being the fall guy? OR Perhaps this was just a mix-up from the Ghana News Site???

New clothes could make you sick -- A microbiologist hired by "GMA" found evidence of feces, vaginal secretions and even diarrhea causing viruses when it took cultures from so-called brand new clothes at popular high- and low-end stores in New York City. (ABC did not name the retailers)

Bacteria linked to feces found in nearly half of fast food soda fountains -- A team of microbiologists from Hollins University found that 48% of sodas tested from the fast food fountains contain coliform bacteria, which is typically fecal in origin. And most bacteria found were antibiotic resistant.

Snow flurries spotted in south Florida -- The National Weather Service in Miami on Saturday night was investigating nearly a dozen reports from West Palm Beach on down to Kendall from weather observers who said they saw snow flurries mixed in with the rain that fell in the afternoon. "We can't deny it didn't happen. We just haven't been able to confirm it," Rothfuss said.

Sharp drop in temperature could spike food prices -- From produce to meat, juice to bread... the sharp drop in temperatures blanketing most of the US could add up to a spike in prices at the grocery store.

The great snow of 2010 -account from Ireland -- "I, at 20, have never seen weather like this. I wasn’t around in to witness the big snow in Dublin in 1982 (really cool, forgive the pun video here) but even for those who were the conditions then didn’t even come close to what we’re dealing with at the moment."

Study looks into effects of full body scanner technology -- Researchers at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory have shown that terahertz radiation may be able to do some serious damage to the DNA it encounters when bouncing off your body.

Airport evacuated for jars of honey thought to be explosives -- U.S. Transportation and Security administration screeners turned up five Gatorade bottles full of what they called a "suspicious-looking liquid." Swabs of the bag and bottles tested positive for the explosives TNT and TATP. Further tests showed it was honey.

Toxic metal found in kids' jewelry very dangerous -- Most people get a microscopic dose of the heavy metal just by breathing and eating. Plants, including tobacco, take up cadmium through their roots and people absorb it during digestion or inhalation. Without direct exposure, however, people usually don't experience its nasty side: cancer, kidneys that leak vital protein, bones that spontaneously snap. Cadmium is particularly dangerous for children because growing bodies readily absorb substances, and cadmium accumulates in the kidneys for decades.

US Fed Rigs Stock Market -- So now the whispers about government intervention into the world's largest stock market have reached the point where the mainstream press is writing about them. Way back in 1987, during the Crash, it was common knowledge - or at least a common rumor - that Alan Greenspan had demanded that commercial banks buy stocks directly to help stabilize the market, and had provided funds for that purpose.

California governor pushes speed cameras in California budget -- Schwarzenegger called for the deployment of a massive statewide speed camera program to generate at least $397.5 million in net profit to state and local government.

There is no economic recovery happening -- We cannot recover until we purge the excess debt from the system, and the longer we take to do that, the longer the pain will last and the worse it will be.

Domestic espionage alert: spy drone discovered in Houston -- KPRC news in Houston recently filmed a secret experiment by law enforcement agencies including the Dept. of Homeland Security of a drone intended to spy on Americans.

More surveillance can make us less safe -- With the attempted terror attack on Christmas, it appears that this focus on doing more surveillance rather than better security was a major part in "failing to connect the dots" that allowed the plot to get as far as it did. ("They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin )

The coming emergency state -- The Orwellian “Department of Homeland Security”, and Obama’s maintenance of other Bush Administration polices, are but the earliest symptoms of this emerging “Emergency State”.

A frreeeeeezing nation with little relief in sight! -- South Carolina officials called an early end to the shrimping season and Florida citrus growers remained on edge Friday as a cold snap persisted across much of the U.S. Heavy snowfall and icy temperatures prompted dozens of Minnesota schools to close and delayed the opening of some state offices Friday, while wind-chill levels in the Dakotas hovered around 25-degrees below zero.

Venezuelan F-16 fighters intercept US warplane -- Venezuela has scrambled two F-16 fighter jets to ward off a US 'military plane' amid reports of “US trespassing the country's airspace.”

US, NATO expanding Afghan war into the Horn of Africa and Indian Ocean -- Polluting more of the world with depleted uranium. In parallel with the escalation of the war in South Asia - counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan and drone missile attacks in Pakistan - the United States and its NATO allies have laid the groundwork for increased naval, air and ground operations in the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake rattles Eureka in northern California -- Magnitude 6.5 earthquake rattles Eureka in northern California -- The temblor snaps power lines, shatters windows and is felt over a wide area, but no major injuries are reported. 'It was a monstrous one,' a merchant says.

10 reasons you need a pet -- Pets counter loneliness and help you continue to focus on what's going on around you.

Obama risks domestic military intervention -- There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic. Top military officers can see the Constitution they are sworn to defend being trampled as American institutions and enterprises are nationalized.

Compact fluorescent lights may harm health -- Exposure to compact fluorescent light bulbs may be dangerous to many people's health, a number of consumer advocacy groups have warned the British government.

You could end up a dead peasant -- Employers may have purchased secret insurance policies on your life and then cash in when you die. U.S. Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, charges that companies buy the policies solely for the tax advantage.

Latest video on Crow Creek tribe -- The electric company is still cutting their supplies.
* Crow Creek Souix tribe chairman Brandon Sazue at his encampment on embattled Souix land -- The riders found Sazue holding his own in sub-zero temperatures. The chairman took up residence on the expanse shortly after the auction, intending to fast and pray for its repatriation until the crisis is resolved. “I’m not going anywhere. This land never was and never will be for sale. Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow. As chairman, I inherited the tax problem and tried to work with the IRS. They claim they ‘consulted’ with us, but all they did was tell us ‘here’s how it's going to go"

Economist was under contract with HHS while touting health care reform -- MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the leading academic defenders of health care reform, is taking heat for failing to disclose consistently that he was under contract with the Department of Health and Human Services while he was touting the Democrats' health proposals the media.

Is Monsanto's corn destroying your internal organs? -- The "data strongly suggests" that after just 90 days of eating GM corn, rats experienced kidney toxicity and showed effects to their hearts, adrenal glands, spleen and blood cells. (The study was published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences.)

Is this the end of food as we know it? -- A new film paints an apocalyptic picture of a world reduced to tinned goods. But could it ever happen here, asks Bee Wilson.

Flashback story - Raw Foodists Arrested for Trafficking Chocolate after TSA dogs think it's hashish

The Constitution will never enforce itself -- It is quite clear the federal government is completely out of touch with those they are supposed to be serving. Yet the Constitution provides for us, the inheritors of the greatest system of government the world has ever known, a way to defend our rights. This is the tenth amendment!

Top 10 wacky Geo-ingineering ideas to save the planet -- The solution to climate change lies not in the hands of politicians, but some seriously nutty scientists

Some "cloud" formations you may have missed