Monday, January 11, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - January 11, 2010

Full-body scanners used on air passengers may damage human DNA
(NaturalNews) In researching the biological effects of the millimeter wave scanners used for whole body imaging at airports, NaturalNews has learned that the energy emitted by the machines may damage human DNA. Millimeter wave machines...

New study: omega-3s may treat schizophrenia, ADD, Huntington’s and other nervous system diseases
(NaturalNews) Research just published in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience provides evidence that adequate omega-3 fatty acids are needed for healthy nervous systems. That could explain why low levels of omega-3s are associated with the information...

The Data Behind the New Mammogram Recommendations - Explained
(NaturalNews) Several years ago, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (PSTF) issued an updated set of recommendations about mammogram screenings, suggesting which and how often women should get them. Since the last time the group issued its recommendations...

Got Gout: Try These Natural Therapies
Gout is one of over one hundred forms of arthritis. Fortunately it is highly treatable. In recent years natural remedies for gout have become very popular. The primarily reason for this is that most gout medications have severe side effects...

Compact Fluorescent Lights May Harm Health
(NaturalNews) Exposure to compact fluorescent light bulbs may be dangerous to many people's health, a number of consumer advocacy groups have warned the British government. Under a 2007 agreement, European Union nations recently began to phase out...

Keep the Kidneys Strong All Winter Long with Traditional Chinese Medicine
According to traditional Chinese medicine, when the seasons change different organs become vulnerable as our bodies shift to keep balanced. In winter, the water element predominates which corresponds to our kidneys and bladder. There are...

Blend Coconut Nutrition into Your Smoothies
As cow's milk becomes more and more processed throughout the years, many people find that they are lactose-intolerant or allergic to milk. Coconut milk is a nutritious and delicious substitute for cow's milk. Complementing the flavors of...

Hypnosis Benefits Migraines
A migraine is a debilitating form of a headache. Many people suffer from migraines. Various triggers can produce the onset of a migraine. However, reducing the likelihood of a migraine occurring and getting rid of one once it occurs, can...

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