Friday, January 15, 2010 | Today's Featured Stories - January 15, 2010

Food security collapses in Haiti as machete-wielding gangs fight in the streets
(NaturalNews) Overnight, Haiti has gone from an organized, civil nation to a scenario of total chaos with gangs running wild through the streets, ransacking shops and fighting over food with machetes.

Pomegranates may prevent estrogen-driven breast cancer
(NaturalNews) Many breast cancers are estrogen-dependent. So a class of drugs called aromatase inhibitors (AI) that block the synthesis of estrogen are used by mainstream medical doctors to attempt to slow the growth of estrogen sensitive breast tumors...

Merck Sat on Data Showing Vioxx Risks for Years Before Pulling Drug
(NaturalNews) A recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has revealed that information about heart risks from Merck...

America Must Reform Its Food Industry or Go Broke With Health Care Costs: Michael Pollan
(NaturalNews) Health care reform in the United States is impossible without tackling the country's obesity epidemic, author and food activist Michael Pollan has warned. "Even the most efficient health care system that the administration could hope...

Red Tea or Rooibos Fights Liver Damage, Prevents Cancer and Treats Colic
The herbal tea known as red tea has found its way to health food and specialty food stores recently, but few know much about the source or the health benefits of this plant. Red tea comes from a South African plant called Aspalanthus linearis...

Innovative anti-insect netting protects crops without pesticides
When agricultural pesticides first came on the scene in the 1920s, farmers quickly adopted them as a working solution for eliminating pests that were destroying millions of dollars worth of crops. Resistance to pesticides quickly developed...

Cilantro: Herb Assists in Heavy Metal Detoxification
Heavy metals have inundated most of our bodies and they're a source of many serious health problems. In fact, when you understand how pervasive heavy metals are and the problems they cause, it'll probably become important to you to remove...

As the New Year begins, most people are searching for ways to rejuvenate their health. Two keys are to satisfy your appetite and to regulate your digestive system. Psyllium supplements are a well-known remedy for irregularity of the bowels...

Today's health headlines from across the 'net

(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)

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