Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dutchsinse | 2/5/2012 -- 24 hours of earthquakes = global unrest continuing

Yesterdays west coast earthquake (off the coast of Vancouver Island BC/Canada) --- plus ANOTHER 6.0M+ earthquake in Vanuatu -- north of New Zealand ... movements from central america south through the tip of Chile.
Asia.. we see Japan, China, Russia (near the border of Russia and China), and the Middle east in a state of flux --- also the rare earthquake out in the indian ocean near the fracture zone...
Watch the west coast USA -- along the edge of the north american craton for further movement...
Here is the blog post from yesterday -- ALL the links you will need to monitor this earthquake situation globally.
Cheers , much love to one another, and be safe!
Expect Radiation reading videos from Chicago starting tomorrow... Will be measuring the downtown area -- surrounding suburbs, and near the nuclear power plant in Byron.\